Fed Most Certainly Will Not Raise Interest Rates—Paul Craig Roberts [Video]

marketGreg Hunter – Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts contends all talk of the Fed raising interest rates this fall is totally wrong. Roberts explains, “They most certainly are not going to raise them because they’ve spent seven years keeping them at zero. In fact, inflation aside, there are already negative interest rates. . . . So, they are most certainly not going to raise interest rates because if they raise the rates, they will destroy all their efforts to keep the big banks afloat. They also would destroy the stock market.


What we have seen all these years is every time the market needs to correct, the Plunge Protection Team steps in and buys the Standard and Poor’s futures and drives the market back up. So, what would cause the Plunge Protection Team and the Federal Reserve to all of a sudden jettison the policies they have been following all these years to save the big banks, to save the stock market and to keep the aura of success alive in America?” Continue reading

3 Ways Intelligent Extraterrestrials Could Traverse The Universe In Seconds

“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.” (source) – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.

space Arjun Walia  – Thanks to the official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) by dozens of countries which details encounters with UFOs, more questions are being asked. It seems logical, how are people supposed to respond to the fact that these objects are commonly tracked on radar by military agencies, visually confirmed by the pilots sent out to investigate them, and perform maneuvers that defy our current understanding of physics? You can find out more about that and view some of those documents here. You can find more of our articles on the subject by visiting the exopolitics section of our website here.

It wasn’t too long ago that the existence of ‘UFOs’ was considered nonsense, but now that their existence again, has been ‘officially’ verified in the ‘mainstream,’ the question is now shifting to, “What are they?” As you can see from the quote above, Dr. Jack Kasher believes ‘they’ are extraterrestrial craft, and he is joined by hundreds of other scientists, academicians, high ranking military people, and politicians who share the same opinion.

“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor

To view some more statements like the two above, click here.

Apart from wondering what and who exactly these beings are, people are also asking how they got here. Below are some possible explanations, but a civilization so advanced as to visit us probably has methods that we cannot yet comprehend.

The Alcubierre Drive

The idea behind the Alcubierre Drive is to basically place a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light. Therefore the craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light from its own type of propulsion system. It’s easier to understand if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. The escalator moves faster than you are walking! In this case, the space encompassing the ship would be moving faster than the ship could fly, keeping all the matter of the ship intact. Therefore, we can move faster than light in a massless cloud of space-time.

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Blue Solar Water Heals the Body and Spirit: Here Is How To Make It

Saso Denkovik – Blue Solar Water is easy to make, delicious to drink and is very a powerful to be used for body healing.

blueAs we know, water carries vibrations, energy frequency, crystals, colors… Blue solar water provides the best: the powerful energy of the sun, the source of all life, and the fascinating properties of the healing and calming blue color. This water has become a favorite and popular after the book Zero Limits by Dr. Hew Len and above all through Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing technique.

In addition to being extremely healthy, this water helps cleanse the deep negative subconscious programs that we automatically repeat over and over again. Blue solar water heals emotional wounds and blockages, takes them to the surface and relieves us from them so that we get reset back to zero, in a pure state, to a clean start, without the background noise of negative thoughts. This water meets positivity, peace and love. And everyone can drink it, children, sick with cancer, especially those on chemotherapy. It is even tastier than plain water. And it is very easy to make.

Why blue?

Blue is the color of the fifth chakra, the so-called power center or the throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is extremely important because it is the way through which energy from the higher energy centers can move to the lower ones and vice versa. It is the first center of higher frequencies and only when it is completely clean and open, we can reach higher states of consciousness. It is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual world, between the heart and the mind. It separates the secular from the sacred and transmitters the intention of the soul.

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The Freedom In Showing Up For What Is Showing Up

lifeMary O’Malley – I woke up this morning with my mind really stirred up. Walking with my son through cancer is superfood for my struggling self. I call her Lynn because that is my middle name, and the name I went by until I was 30 (during the time my struggling self was being built, fed and maintained).

So, when I sat down to meditate, I invited Lynn to rest right here, right now. For the longest time, she was having nothing to do with that. Lynn was filled with stories of deep fear, but I did not get upset with her or demand that she quiet down. Rather, I kept on saying to her, “I know what is going on in your life right now is really hard, and it’s okay to just rest here for now.” Each time I spoke to her, she would rest a little longer, and then off she would go again like a startled flock of birds. When I said, “Just come home, sweetie, just come home,” she fully let go and I was able to rest in the deep, spacious peace of my morning meditation.

When there is something that your mind doesn’t want to experience, it runs away from your immediate experience. It holds on, plans, judges, resists, spaces out, totally lost in thoughts, or what I call Storyland. Why? Because when you were young, this whole system of your conditioned, struggling self actually survived by not letting go. It survived by holding on for dear life and trying to be what it thought it should be. As you get deeper into awakening, you finally come across the depth of that almost wordless fear, and it feels that if it opens up again and you let go, you will die. In the past, you turned to your compulsions – like eating, drinking, drugging, shopping, or whatever it was – to make the feelings go away. But no matter how difficult or painful your challenges are, you can discover that you will not die if you are willing to be with yourself rather than leaving yourself when you most need yourself. Continue reading

Gold & Silver Money Has Devolved Into Debt and Plastic

goldGary Christenson –  Central banks will disagree; Keynesian economists probably disagree; Too-Big-To-Fail banks don’t care; but I think the following is generally accurate regarding the devolution of gold and silver money.

In The Beginning: Gold and silver coins were used as real money for several thousand years. Gold and silver were universally recognized as a store of value.

140 Years Ago: The $20 Gold Double Eagle Coin was globally recognized as money. It contained 0.9675 ounces of gold and its purchasing power was unquestioned.

gold137 Years Ago: The $1 Morgan Silver Dollar was universally appreciated and valued. The silver dollars contained 0.77 ounces of silver, were pretty, used in daily commerce, and minted by the millions in the U.S.

goldAnd Then Came Paper Money Continue reading