Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

lifeThe Angels – There is perfection in all things, and never a need to worry! The worst that can happen is that you end up in glorious bliss in heaven, or you end up on earth letting go of control and finding you are deeply and dearly loved anyway. In truth, many of your worries and concerns are simply chances to learn greater faith and to learn to see the opportunity for growth when life presents challenges.

There is never once a time when you are not, in some way, at some level, creating or allowing for the circumstances in your life. We do hear you… “Why would I create pain? Why would I allow suffering? Why would I experience lack?” Dear ones it is only because your vibration, your energy is attuned to that particular experience. So when you find yourself in such a situation, stop worrying. Don’t beat yourself up. Remind yourself that you are a powerful, infinite being, connected with the source of all love, resources, and inspirations. You are never alone. Continue reading