Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

The Angels – You are so abundant dear ones! You are connected to the source of all that is! All you want is love. Whether you want money in the bank, a new car, a relationship, underneath all of it, you want to experience love.

loveLove comes in so many forms, in so many flavors! Love comes in the form of a beautiful sunset, and a beautiful marriage. Love comes in the form of a comfy home, and comfortable pillow. Love comes in the form of food that delights you, movement that energizes you and indeed in so many other shapes, sizes, and textures. Love is all around you.

So when you want something, stop focusing on how you will get it and start to pray that your energy be ready to receive it! “Dear God, Dear Angels, I want something in my life. Please work with me and prepare my energy to be ready to receive it!” We will help you dear ones. We will help adjust your energy so you, like a radio, are attuned to the frequency of that which you want to attract into your life. Sit, breathe, receive, allows us to work with you each day. This time, this reception of our love is far more productive that “spinning your wheels” trying to figure out how to “make” something happen in your life. Start, as in all creations, from the inside out.

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Ronna Star – AA Michael September 2015 Message

selfBeloved masters, returning to the narrow path of Ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As an empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of ALL. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.

Indeed, the multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of Ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities, and that you have a direct link to the power source of Creation via the River of Life/Light.

As you learn to breathe deeply and effortlessly, you descend into your Sacred Heart Center where the Creator and Creation are one. This is when you begin to awaken and realize that you are experiencing your reality through a veil of illusion, that you are the dreamer as well as the dream. You begin to release yourself from the bonds of the mass consciousness belief structure, and you begin to seek your own higher truths. At that time, you begin the journey back into wholeness as you strive to recreate yourself into the SUN CHILD of our Father / Mother God—a Being of Light—which is your Divine Heritage. The Creator is THE SOURCE OF THE BREATH OF LIFE. The Breath is your Lifeline to and from the ALL THAT IS. As you inhale, you receive this gift that originates from within the Heart Core of the Creator. With each exhalation, you send this gift of Sacred Breath back to into the realms of the Infinite Source of Life. Continue reading

You Have Permission to Be Absolutely Free

“Paradise is not somewhere that you need a map to reach. You are in paradise, you have only fallen asleep. All that is needed is an awakening.” -Osho

lifeJafree Ozwald – We all live in cages of some type, shape or form. When we feel disconnected from our spiritual nature, anything or anyone can feel like a prison. Perhaps our spouse, a close personal friend, our physical body, financial situation, emotions, or even our own reactionary behaviors in life can make us feel trapped. The good news is that whatever cage that you are locked up in actually has a key. That key is sitting there, resting inside the lock, ready to be turned when you have had enough suffering and are ready to set your spirit free once again.

Turning your key begins with understanding a few basic principles about what real freedom is, and what it is not. Being totally wild and absolutely free is not some radical, rebellious, or disrespectful approach to life. It is also not about conquering some authority “out there” in the world, ripping into someone who tells us how we should and shouldn’t live our lives. We don’t need permission from someone else to be, do and create whatever we want. Real liberation in life is not a freedom from someone or from something. It is more about finding freedom FOR someone or FOR something that inspires our lives deeply.

Real freedom is about recognizing how you already are the final word and ultimate authority of your life. It is knowing that what you believe is what becomes real, and this is your truth and final reality. There are 7 billion realities on the planet now and you are one of them. The moment we choose to believe we are some wildly fun and free being, is the exact same moment that we just realized that we already are the absolute final authority of our lives.

The greatest realization is a gentle knowing that the only real prison in life, is the one created within our own mind. We may not see the walls because we are so used to them. These invisible prison walls are the limiting, skeptical, doubtful, and negative beliefs within our minds. It’s comprised of a list of ideas which we tell ourselves is possible and impossible. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Saturday, August 29 – Sunday, August 30, 2015

fullFull Moon in Pisces: realization

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairvi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South, God of Waves)

Skill: align with faith, potential, recovery, and full light

True Alignments: like-minded people coming together, pioneering, commonality, wild streak, perceiving new levels, new beginnings, charm, rising above, stability, hearing the message, pleasure, release of the past, darkness lifting and lightening up, practice and discipline, talents revealed (perhaps long-forgotten talents), focus, loyalty

Catalysts for Change: dependency, initially having difficulty comprehending (but then gaining insight), crashing, hopeless, giving up on dreams, jealousy, chaos, domination, fear of old traumas returning, hyper-competitive, uncontrolled passions, self-deprecating, strong need to be noticed, uncomfortable, continual re-starts

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission” (divine guidance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The full light of the Full Moon begins today, along with the blazing light of the element of fire. This Full Moon is the Fire Moon.

Not only is this the Full Moon of the Leo cycle, ruled by the Sun itself and ruler of the element fire, but the Sabian symbols this weekend are all about illumination. The symbols involved with the locations of the planets include the illumination of shafts of light, brilliant sunlight after a storm, the dawning of a new day (beginning), and the enlightenment of a campfire.

For all of the blessings, gifts, and insight that can come from a “Fire Moon,” full light can blind and it can sting. We are aware that this accompanies the engagement of wisdom, and stay the course until our eyes adjust. Continue reading

Monied Interests Run America

americaStephen Lendman – Powerful Wall Street headquartered monied interests run America – in league with corrupt federal, state and local officials, waging financial war for profit.

Reckless Fed-led central bank policy bears full responsibility for today’s market turbulence. Ordinary people are hurt most – fleeced of income, savings, benefits and futures.

Most youths in America today haven’t the same opportunities as inner city kids like this writer growing up. When good public schools prepared students for college.

When it was affordable. When many public colleges and universities were tuition-free. When student debt entrapment didn’t exist. When America was the world’s leading industrial economy. When full-time high-pay/good benefits jobs were plentiful.

When each generation was financially better off than earlier ones. When wages kept up with inflation. When America’s middle class thrived. When corporations and high-income earners paid their fair share in taxes.

Before class war pitted private wealth against popular interests more than ever. Before social justice began eroding toward eliminating it altogether.

Before more powerful than ever monopolies and oligopolies controlled finance, industry and commerce. Before media was controlled by a handful of giants – featuring managed news misinformation rubbish, suppressing hard truths on vital issues.

Before endless US wars raged in multiple global theaters. Before America’s largest budget commitment was for militarism, wars and world dominance.

Before super-weapons could kill us all. Before lunatics in Washington perhaps intend using them – threatening life on earth. Continue reading