Oracle Report ~ Thursday, October 29, 2015

Photo by Smith

Full Moon in Gemini: illumination, fulfillment, shadow side, realization

Goddess of Wisdom: Kali – Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West

Skill: practice balance and forward movement

True Alignments: acceptance of others as they are and self-acceptance, admiration, admissions or confessions of truth, change of mindset, seeing clearly, shared impulses, renewal of respect or self-respect, going under the surface

Catalysts for Change: elitism, judgmental, selfish, rejection, feelings of meaninglessness, stealing money or happiness, forsaking the self, hyperactive, imbalance, hiding behind a poor excuse

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Full Moon phase continues and the Great Mirror in the Sky continues to shine the light of reflection. Today, reflection, realization, and illumination comes from deep places to bring balance and forward movement:

Sun: “deep sea divers” – When a planet reaches this degree, we most always have to look under the surface or the veneer of things to make sense of them. When the Sun reaches this degree, it brings things up from the depths. The people in the symbol are not snorkelers, they are divers. They are capable of diving many fathoms, perhaps, in order to fathom many things.

Earth: “a woman of Samaria comes to draw water from the well” – When we return to “the well,” we come to replenish ourselves. This symbol involves returning to our true selves or returning to our true Source, especially when we are running dry or running low. Deep sea divers would certainly be qualified to investigate the well and what’s down there. Continue reading

How the New World Order “Globalists” Are Dividing Americans

How can a people who have struggled long years under oppression throw off their oppressors and establish a free society? The problems are immense, but their solution lies in the education and enlightenment of the people and the emergence of a spirit that will serve as a foundation for independence and self-government. – Thomas Jefferson

AmericaJoachim Hagopian – After utilizing the geopolitics lens to dissect how globalists have been fulfilling their New World Order tyranny through a pervasive divide and conquer strategy applied globally, this second instalment examines how they’re regularly using that same proven formula domestically to divide Americans socio-culturally in any number of fragmented ways. Ample evidence shows how the elite has used its oligarch-controlled mainstream media to spread lies and propaganda in order to shape public opinion through nonstop false flag incidents and nonstop feed of false narrative disinformation. For a very long time this divide and conquer MO on the domestic front has been among the feds’ favorite tools of manipulation in their mighty arsenal to effectively polarize Americans into turning against themselves.

 The robber baron bankster himself J.P. Morgan commented after the Great Depression:

When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world.  By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us.

Three quarters of a century later when the 2008 housing bubble crisis exploded 5 million homes were lost by hapless Americans fraudulently tricked by devious criminal banksters (that not more than one ever served any jail time over), the mega-rich crime boss’ prophetic words take on even greater significance. Continue reading

FBI Pleads “Stop Filming Police! It’s Making Them Look Bad!”

James Corbett – For the first time in decades, violent crime is back on the rise in major urban centers across America. What’s the problem? Fed-induced recession driving people into desperate poverty? Media-hyped race baiting inciting social discord? The militarization of police and tightening of the police state noose? No, it’s smartphone cameras that are the culprit according to FBI director James Comey. James Corbett breaks down the propaganda and reminds you why the police are so scared of cameras.

Show Notes

policeSF Source The Corbett Report  Oct 2015

FBI Director James Comey blames citizens with cameras for increase in violent crime

Associated Press – Police anxiety in the era of ever-present cellphone cameras and viral videos partly explains why violent crime has risen in several large U.S. cities this year, FBI Director James Comey said Friday.

Comey told several hundred students during a forum at the University of Chicago Law School that it’s critical to do more to address a widening gulf between law enforcement and citizens in many communities, particularly African-Americans.

He said while there likely are multiple factors behind the spike in violence in cities, including Chicago, officers and others nationwide have told him they see “the era of viral videos” as a link.

“I don’t know whether this explains it entirely, but I do have a strong sense that some part of the explanation is a chill wind blowing through American law enforcement over the last year, and that wind is surely changing behavior,” Comey said.

He added that some of the behavioral change in police officers has been for the good “as we continue to have important discussions about police conduct and de-escalation and the use of deadly force.” Continue reading . . .

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Even as U.S. rhetoric continues bellicose, disjointed and chaotic, the peace process is finally in motion.

Thomas J Mattingly – As President Vladimir Putin’s Russia-led coalition defeats ISIS and other terrorists in population centers and strategic areas of western Syria, President Barack Obama is working quietly with Putin to eliminate all terrorists and to facilitate a win-win political transition for Syria etc. Even as U.S. rhetoric and actions continue to be bellicose, disjointed and chaotic, the peace process is finally in motion.


The Russian long range cruise missile that shook the world,
that can be fired from 2000 ton ships

At Obama’s request and with Putin’s acceptance, Russia, U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran will continue Syrian peace process talks in Vienna that will lead to a relatively quick cessation of hostilities in Syria and a diplomatic agreement on a “Syrians-decide” political transition. Despite contrary outward appearances and despite treacherous pockets of resistance from U.S. factions and from some U.S. allies, Obama is changing U.S.-Mideast foreign policy in a major way.

In two days, Obama and Putin will continue 5+1-style Syria peace talks in Vienna — with Syria to hold 2016 elections to decide whether “Assad Must Go.” The next step may be — and is – to lift all sanctions to revive and accelerate Syrian, U.S., Russian and global/national economic recoveries.

The Obama-initiated Vienna peace process parlays (now with Russia, U.S., Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey) show the reluctant readiness of most major powers for a diplomatic deal to end the war in Syria. Although the parties disagree on President Bashar al-Assad’s future, all parties now tacitly agree that Syrians will make this choice. A few days ago, we learned that Assad is ready for Syrians to decide his fate in 2016. What a difference a day makes. Or a few days. Especially with the Russia-led coalition winning all major battles in the air and on the ground in Syria. Continue reading

Shifting your emotional set-point

setDana Mrkich – If your life was a building, with every floor representing a certain emotion that you end up feeling time and again, which floor do you end up spending the most time on?

There is a ‘set-point’ theory that states we all have certain conditions we naturally revert back to despite any actions we take or dreams we have to change those conditions. Thus it’s often the case that the billionaire who goes bankrupt will end up a billionaire again. The person who has spent a lifetime, and generations, in financial hardship, will commonly end up with no money again years after winning the lottery. A person often goes back to the same weight range repeatedly regardless of what they eat.

So too, if we are used to feeling disappointed, rejected or unsupported we will regularly re-invite that emotion into our life. Our eyes may be firmly fixed on an experience we want that exists on the penthouse level. We may even manage to get our lift to take us up there, and mingle in that environment for some time. However, if our emotional set-point is still anchored in some deep-rooted floor below, that anchor will yank us back down, making it hard to achieve, or maintain, our penthouse dreams and desires.

It was a bit of a depressing thought for set-point theorists to think that we can’t change our set-point lot in life, BUT studies AND lots of people’s experiences are showing that in fact we CAN change our set-points. Continue reading