America’s Deplorable State

changeStephen Lendman – Campaigning for November elections is in full swing – meaningless theater without substance, most Americans mindless about a money-controlled process too corrupted to fix.

Republicans are no different from Democrats. All duopoly power candidates are cookie cutouts of each other.

Otherwise they wouldn’t be so-called presidential material. They’re carefully vetted to assure it. No outliers accepted. Don’t let their deceptive rhetoric fool you.

No current major party aspirant has any intention of changing the dirty system. Sanders’ call for revolutionary change is a complete hoax. His public office record proves it.

He and other aspirants are in lockstep on all issues mattering most. Campaign promises are duplicitous, made to be broken every time, the public consistently betrayed.

America is owned and run by powerful elitist interests. Political and bureaucratic officials serve them. Elections when held are farcical, bread and circuses deception changing nothing. Continue reading

Banning Cash: Serfdom In Our Time

cashPaul Rosenberg – Over the last few months a stream of articles have crossed my screen, all proclaiming the need of governments and banks to eliminate cash. I’m sure you’ve noticed them too.

It is terrorists and other assorted madmen, we are told, who use cash. And so, to protect us from being blown up and dismembered on our very own street corners, governments will have to ban it.

It would actually take some effort to imagine a more obvious, naked attempt at fearmongering. Cash – in daily use for centuries if not millennia – is now, suddenly, the agent of spring-loaded, instant death? And we’re supposed to just accept that line?

But there are good reasons why the insiders are promoting these stories now. The first of them, perhaps, is simply that they can: After 9/11, a massive wave of compliance surged through the West. It may not last forever, but it’s still rolling, and if the entertainment corporations can pump enough fear into minds that want to believe, they may just get them to buy it.

The second reason, however, is the real driver:

Negative Interest Rates

The urgency of their move to ban one of the longest-lasting pillars of daily life means that the backroom elites think it will be necessary soon. It would appear that the central banks, the IMF, the World Bank, the BIS, and all their backers, see the elimination of cash as a central survival strategy. Continue reading