Farmers Can Receive Grants to Move to Organic Farming

Erin Elizabeth – Two Midwestern states in the U.S. are offering farmers three years of support to move to organic crop production. Farmers would ditch GMOs along with their toxic pesticides and herbicides. The aim is to boost acreage of organically-grown crops in the U.S. once the upper Midwest is well on its way to sustainable farming.

North Dakota and Minnesota have both started grant programs. Minnesota led the way in 2013 and North Dakota began its program this year. The grants, ranging from $750 to $1000, help farmers to transition to organic crops. The money can be used for everything from soil testing to education on how to grow food in a sustainable way.

The new programs disallow using chemicals. Farmers who are switching from mainstream to organic farming practices will learn how to grow crops without using chemicals.

Lowell Kaul, an organic farmer near Harvey, North Dakota, who serves on a board that advises the state agriculture commissioner, explains:

“. . . there’s a learning curve there that the farmer needs to go through.”

Kaul also noted that a government-approved agency must certify the crops as organic before the farmers can sell them in the organic market.

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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

Photo by Don

The Angels – It is easy to think that your future is affected by your past situations. If you got in debt yesterday you may feel it will take you a long time before you can enjoy abundance. If you were sick last week, you may feel it will take you a long time to recuperate. If your heart was broken yesterday you might believe that there is no hope for you in future relationships.

While it is human to project the past upon the future, we in the heavens experience an entirely different reality. We live in an eternal now, and we know that the past exists only insofar as we bring it with us. In each moment, in every breath, dear ones, can you fathom that your entire existence begins again. Your state of mind, heart, and emotions right now dictates what you will experience next. And you can change this in the very next breath.

Take a moment right now. Acknowledge all you have been through in your past. The pain, the joy, the challenges. You do not have to think of every incident, but just allow a summary, so to speak, to bubble up with your awareness. Bless each incident as you remember it. Think of it as something that shaped you, must as wind and rain shape the mountains, but no longer exist. You have been carved and chiseled by challenges, built up by joy… and yet dear ones, none of those circumstances exist in this moment. All that remains is the you that you wish to be, right here, right now.

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Eat Hummus Every Day to Reap these Incredible Health Benefits

Dr. Axe – Hummus, a thick creamy food dip made primarily from mashed chickpeas, is both nourishing and extremely versatile – it’s filling enough to be enjoyed by itself, or it can used as a spread in sandwiches or wraps.

The basic recipe contains 6 healthy ingredients: chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, sea salt and tahini, which have been shown to be highly anti-inflammatory, and thus can help lower inflammatory-causing chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Still unconvinced? Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients and health benefits of hummus:

The Nutritional Facts

Hummus is packed with nutrients.

A 100g serving contains: 5g protein, 5g fiber, 9g fat, 20g carbohydrates, 13% (RDA*) vitamin c, 20% (RDA) vitamin B6, 15% (RDA) folate, 10% (RDA) iron, 10% (RDA) zinc, 11% (RDA) phosphorus, 28% (RDA) manganese. – *RDA denotes Recommended Daily Allowance.

The chart below provides an in-depth overview of its nutritional facts:


An In-Depth Look at the Ingredients in Hummus

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Epstein, The Billionaire Pedophile Pal of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew [Video]

James Corbett – From underage prostitutes on orgy island to political royalty and the “Lolita Express,” the Jeffrey Epstein case continues to unfold. Today Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Review joins us to give us the latest on the ongoing court cases surrounding the case that might still ensnare Epstein and his rich and powerful friends in an even bigger scandal.

SF Source Corbett Report  Feb 2016

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“Law” as a Jedi Mind Trick

legislationPaul Rosenberg – About half the time it is used, possibly more, the word “law” is nothing more than a Jedi mind trick. There is nothing noble, righteous, or even ‘conservative’ about it. It’s a way for you to be abused via ignorance and inertia.

We’ve all seen this trick in action, of course. It’s very common. And, sadly, more or less all of us have fallen (or rather, were pushed) into it at some point. That complicates things because people generally don’t like to admit their errors.

Nearly all of us have been taught, repetitively, to “respect the law,” and because of those teachings, nearly all of us have decided certain things must be right, simply because they were “the law.”

We decided this, not because we understood the benefits that would follow certain actions, but because of the aforementioned ignorance and inertia.

It’s important to be clear on this: To uncritically, reflexively obey is not respect… it is to hold “the law” above reason… above reality. That, in simple terms, is worship.

Saying, “Everyone else did it too,” makes this no better.

It is also common for obedience to follow intimidation: Obey, or else… armed men will hurt you; teacher will shame you; the other kids will laugh at you; important people will criticize you in public. Please note all of these are primitive, degrading reasons. But they were thrust upon us as small, coerced children, and they very often stuck.

The really damaging part, however, comes after you obey reflexively or fearfully: when you leap to justify your past actions. Not many of us enjoy admitting our errors, but if we want to become honest, conscious adults, that is precisely what we need to do.

“But, but…”

Yes, yes, I know the same automated slogans:

Without the law, all would be chaos and death! Continue reading