Divine desires

desires The Angels – Your hearts are filled with desires from the Divine. You often ask yourselves, “Is what I want OK? Is what I want in life in my highest good? Is what I want in life going to hurt anyone else?” In truth, if your desires are pure, coming from the heart, without agenda, without purpose other than the sheer desire to have an experience, then they come from God. If however, your desires are there because you think they will help you achieve something else, then drop into the heart once again and go deeper.

For example most of you say you want money. In truth however, you could sit in a warehouse filled with money and it would not make you happy. You could have bank accounts filled with money and this would not mean your dreams would be fulfilled. Instead the deeper, truer desires are for what you can do with the money. Perhaps you wish to experience a house, a vacation, a sense of peace and security. Those are your pure desires. Those are the things and situations that the Divine wishes for you.

Instead of asking and praying for the money, ask and pray for what you truly desire. Focus upon it with expectation, joy, and a sense of wonder… as in “I wonder how this will come into my life! I know since the Divine has planted the seed of desire in my heart, that all the means, resources, etc., to bring this to me will be provided. I know I will have to grow along the way but I joyfully surrender to the journey!” Then embrace the journey with all your hearts!

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