The War on Cash Is a War on Your Freedom to Opt Out

Charles Hugh Smith – I’ve covered the war on cash i.e. the proposed elimination of cash, a number of times, for example, The War On Cash: Officially Sanctioned Theft (June 13, 2015)

Our first question should be: just how big a share of our financial universe is cash? The answer is: vanishingly small. Look at this chart of total credit in the U.S. economy–$63 trillion–and total cash: $1.45 trillion. Cash is the thin red line at the bottom of the chart–it barely registers.


Meanwhile, total household/non-profit-sector financial assets total $70.3 trillion (net $55.8 trillion minus liabilities of $14.5 trillion).

Total money (currency in circulation and demand deposits) is over $10 trillion.

If cash is such a small share of money and assets, why are governments so keen to ban cash?

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