Use technology to promote love rather than fear

technologyThe Angels – We love the many means of connection you have on your planet earth. We love your Internet, your phones, and your computers. We see them as wonderful means of sharing love, information, and inspiration. They offer you opportunity to embrace diverse opinions and learn about cultures and ideologies different from your own. Your technology keeps you in touch – not only with friends and family – but with your entire human family.

However, like anything in your world, technology can be used to add love to your life or to distract you from it. There are times when connecting with the world is an act of love and joy – a way of uplifting yourselves and one another. When you use your technology for these purposes, it becomes a vehicle for the Divine.

There are other times however, when you use your technology to avoid connecting with yourself, your inner wisdom, and the love of the heavens. There are times when it becomes a tool for spreading negativity and hatred.

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Physics, free will, and the ‘Spiritual CIA’

freedomJon Rappoport – Conventional physicists will tell you that none of the micro-components of the universe (atoms, electrons, photons, quarks, wavicles) exhibits freedom.

The particles don’t reveal anything that could be called freedom.

Physicists will also tell you that everything in the universe, including human bodies and brains, is made up of these very same particles and nothing else.

They will tell you that mind is simply and only the brain.

Therefore, nowhere in body, brain, or mind is there any quality that makes freedom possible.

Freedom=the power of an individual to choose A rather than B; to decide to do something or not do it; to invent a possibility and then follow it with action.

According to conventional physics, there is no freedom. It’s not possible. It’s a fantasy.

Contrary to every impulse, awareness, or thought you might have about your freedom, you’re wrong. You’re absolutely deluded. That’s the consensus of the conventional physicists.

Aside from the majestic absurdity of their position, you should also know that, in the partnership between government and science, there is no limit on what programming will be tried on citizens—because, since key persons in that elite partnership hold that freedom is an illusion, it doesn’t matter what they do to us.

It’s just replacing one deterministic program with another.

That’s their view, and I hope you understand it.

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Oracle Report ~ Saturday, May 28, 2016

todayDisseminating Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (5:08 pm ET/9:08 pm UT): share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill: launch a lot of love

True Alignments: patience, breaking things down in to steps, personal fulfillment, pursuing a dream, creating a vision or idea, assistance, overcoming difficulties, able to see in the dark, the inner child, following the heart

Catalysts for Change:  going into something unprepared, rushing, foolish risks, things that are obscured, hopelessness, feeling that there is no point and giving up, exhaustion (what needs to change?), going in circles

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a symbolic battle between swords and torches” (becoming enlightened to something, the might of light)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending old patterns and paradigms)

The core dynamic for today is wanting to get what we want, but not knowing what we are going to get.  It is wise to remember this before getting ahead of oneself today.

The Sun is discharging the energetic of “a quiver filled with arrows.”  At varying levels, this motivates us toward obtaining, achieving, catching, seeking, or experiencing something we desire.  This is stronger for some than others today (depending on how one’s astrological chart is being aspected).

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Savage Barbarians rule the World

humanKatherine Frisk – Is the human race a total, utter and complete lost cause? It deludes itself with lies at every turn. It creates illusions for itself to justify theft, greed, murder and slavery of its own species. The human race is mentally unbalanced and insane. It is beyond help. It is beyond rehabilitating.

Go back in history and then forward into the present and the future. There is no difference at all. It is the same game, the same story line; it is not even ingenious or creative. Or even variegated. It is totally predictable no matter in which time frame you may look at it.

The human race, unlike other life forms has free will, the ability to reason, the ability to determine its own future, but over and over again chooses suffering, slavery and disempowerment.

It chooses to subject itself to abusive people and abusive bodies of power. It chooses to stay in childlike subservience and idolize others and give their power away rather than grow up and take responsibility for themselves.

The only conclusion I can come to is that the human race can be put into two categories. Masochists and sadists. The Masochists need the sadists as much as the sadists need the masochists and in-between the very few “sane” people in all races, religions, cultures and nations barely stand a chance, barely have a voice for survival and the civilized choice. Their voices are blocked out between the fanatic lunatics on both sides of the divide that control this world.

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