What Jill Stein Is After (And Won’t Get)

[Jill Stein is after] splitting of electors between Clinton and Trump in three states Trump won. The electoral college must pick on a certain date — but if the three states agree that the elections are as yet undecided — electors will have to be chosen by some other criterion — a split or something else.  This will give Clinton victory regardless of whether a recount would award Trump or not.  This was planned by theoreticians — not by Jill Stein.  Stein is simply using this trick because it really will elect Clinton if the states in question agree that the election is undecided.  — Dick Eastman

Dick Eastman, M.S., M.A.  – Defeated Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has planned and gotten big money for a move that stresses the Constitution by having the election undecided before the date the electoral college must vote. To avoid this crisis the electors of those states may be allowed to vote the conscience — to be bought or otherwise influenced — to vote Clinton. Stein was a Green to keep greens from putting out a viable candidate. Johnson was a Libertarian to keep Libertarians from putting out a viable alternative. This move proves the case. It is a plan — not for a late recount — not to throw the election to the House for a decision (there is not third candidate with electoral votes).

It is rather to force the Electors of those states to go the electoral college uncommitted so they can vote for whom the personally prefer. No other solution is possible to the trap Stein and Clinton have prepared. The Establishment knew that this move would not work coming from Clinton — it had to be someone else. The states must reject because Stein has no standing for such a request. Only Clinton does because only Clinton and her running mate and the DNC are affected by the possible alternative outcome.

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Of Japan, Grids, Earthquakes, Geopolitics, And Other Stuff…

earthquakeJoseph P Farrell – This is a strange story, and so many people picked up on it, and sent me various articles, that I have to blog about it. In fact, most people sent me these articles because I had blogged last week about Japan’s involvement in proposals for creating an integrated Eurasian power grid, one able to shuttle excess power from one point of the great Eurasian landmass, and potentially of course, Africa as well.

Anyway, almost as soon as I had blogged about the story, Japan had suffered another earthquake – eerily almost an exact copy of the Fukushima earthquake – rattling the disastrously crippled Fukushima Daichi reactors once again, and sending tsunamis against Japan. Here’s a version of the story:

Powerful quake hits Japan, Fukushima residents urged to flee tsunami

Of course, my impulse to indulge in our trademark “high octane speculation” was certainly triggered by this story, because when the original Fukushima earthquake occurred, giving us the ongoing and continuing nuclear disaster of the Fukushima Daichi nuclear reactor meltdown, I couldn’t help but notice the strange geopolitical context in which it occurred. For those who don’t recall, however, what my basic “argument” was at the time, the following review may be helpful.

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