Injection Technology (IT) Explained

Those of us who are old enough to know what clouds are supposed to look like have a greater appreciation of CIA Director John Brennan’s admission of “strategic atmospheric injection” (SAI). I classify it as a sub category of injection technology (IT) explained below.

Joe Morales – I was born when the air was still thick with the souls incinerated at Auschwitz, Hiroshima & atomic bomb tests exposing Americans to more radiation. See time line at .

FracturingI volunteered for Vietnam War after medical training & served as a Navy medic attached to an aviation physiology unit. President Kennedy ordered aerial spraying of Agent Orange in an attempt to drive the Vietnamese out of the forests & off their land in an attempt to herd them into urban centers where they could be more easily controlled and upon our own troops with the result being that we forced South Vietnamese right into the arms of the Viet Cong and we lost the war – .

After the Vietnam war I earned 2 science degrees & began researching & lecturing on the effects of acid rain on people, crops, forests, & water sources for more years than many now are alive – not only to no avail – but I find myself revisiting aerial injections of new exotic toxic cocktails that are being deployed largely for the same reasons as in Vietnam. My oath to protect US from foreign and DOMESTIC enemies did not end when I took off my uniform and it’s time to bring to task those who took the same oath but betray it.

After all… We did it to our WW2 Vietnamese allies. We sprayed poisons on own troops & SF bay area sickening and killing many – & & .

A doctor has come forward to expose recent Australian/Kuwaiti chemtrail genocide – There is only one thing worse than struggling to breathe – it is helplessly watching someone you love futily gasping for air.

Growing List Of Agencies That Admit To Chemtrails.

D.O.D. –

Most aerial spraying along the NY/Pa border is done at night to avoid public scrutiny but my area you can see their intermittent chemical dumping creating huge cloud banks during the day having the effect of…

1 Blocking solar heat from radiating back into space having the effect of ratcheting up global warming.
2 Blocking weather fronts from reaching New York State drought counties.
3 Chemtrail flu & thunderstorm asthma –

To paraphrase Senator William Proxmire, If a foreign government sprayed our children & cities with secret, untested, unwanted chemicals we would consider it an act of war. ~ David Dilworth, 11/07, HOPE Exec Dir.

Billion$ that could be used for education is actually being used to poison our youth. It takes around 500 gallons of jet fuel just to get these chem-tankers air born. Not only does this practice squander precious energy it blocks the sunlight inhibiting solar panels. My friend and I watched massive chemicals being dumped over NYC reservoirs. The aircraft are remotely controlled to follow large computerized grids using tons of fuel that exacerbates global warming & pushes the carbon tax which will hobble only the private citizen & small business.

The mega corporations will be exempted as usual. Aluminum adds to the biochemical neurotoxic cocktail that is being dumped on us. Do I have to be an ex fire chief to tell you that precipitating nano aluminum fire accelerant to drought afflicted areas is insane? Well, I am. Chemtrails assail all living tissue. They want to drive you off your land, and destoy water sources, and they are not going to make same mistake they did in Vietnam. They want your souls.

Informed Consent

If you think this is just another conspiracy theory you are right. The conspiracy is your silent compliance to your own demise. It’s time to read actual Public Law 105-85 covering your consentual agreement that allowing chemtrail & bioweapon testing on civilians – .

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” – Warren Buffett. Scientific expert testimonies lay out exactly what you have consented to – .

Puerto Rico filed lawsuit to stop CDC from illegally spraying toxic chemicals –

The CDC is really a private ‘Corporation for Disease Confluence’ enforcement arm of Big Pharma and is recognized as one of the first companies to be publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange –

It is on Trump’s “hit list” – .
Zika virus is not the problem –
It is the aerial spraying of larvacides/insecticides that cause baby deformities. Dr Mercola says, “Zika Spraying Enriches Chemical Companies While Endangering Public Health” –

2016 President candidates Carson, Paul, Stein, & Trump, believe vaccination is potentially useful Injection Technology IT but get in trouble when they say, “people have the right to informed consent”.

FDA admits that vaccines still contain mercury & aluminum. –

Rick Perry’s Mandatory Gardasil Vaccine Kills and Maims Young Girls

‘Search & Discovery’, a journal for geoscientists, discusses the use of mercury as a useful OIL & Gas Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) tool –

Oil & Gas Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) is another subheading of ‘Injection Technologies’ (IT). Not only is HF polluting air & water on an accelerated scale it is considered to be a criminal Ponzi scheme to Search & Destroy water supplies – ‘Gasland’ The Movie & ‘Halliburton’ Gulf of Disaster at .

Drought-torn California not only permits using tons of fresh water for (HF) it allows Big Oil to inject toxic HF waste right back into California’s precious aquifers – & & .

Meanwhile tens of thousands of protesters pour into Bulgarian & Romanian streets carrying placards that read “Stop fracking our water” & “Clinton go home”. Outraged at Clinton interventions. Parliaments responded by voting for a fracking moratorium – .

Trump bought himself more trouble w/ energy barons when he said he supports letting the local people have the right to “informed consent”. Robert Kennedy Jr. claims Dakota Pipeline is not Legal –

As Dr Margaret Stasikowski, Director of EPA’s Health Effects Division puts it, “Fluoride most of which is imported from China is contaminated with lead & arsenic.” – . So… DRINK UP!

Sydney Water Board decided to eliminate the use of ALUMINUM in their new water plant – . Some restaurants are voluntarily filtering out fluorides. Ask them nicely.

Sincerely, Joe Morales,

Joe Morales is a Guest Writer for Shift Frequency

Shift Frequency © 2016 –

My Discoveries Are Lethal to Academia [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – This is a powerful talk by Graham Hancock, in which he sums up his lifework and establishes his case for a global civilization which preceded the end of the last Ice Age.

The evidence for this survives in the legends that come down to us from ancient civilizations all over the world, describing global floods. Modern geologists agree that these did occur at the end of the last Ice Age. Evidence for a global civilization also survives in old maps, which were brought back to Europe during the 12th century, based on much older maps likely stored at the ancient Library of Alexandria.

There’s a lot more, all of it very interesting, delivered with charm and humor and a must-see for Hancock fans and fans of the mysteries of our ancient history.

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Dec. 2016

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China Joins Space Race To Test EM Drive

driveJoseph P Farrell – Over the holidays many important stories emerged, and I hope to be covering them this week prior to New Year’s, but one of those stories was China’s announcement that it has already been testing the so-called EM drive in space. This story was shared by many regular readers here, but here are two versions, and they both come with a lot of caveats:

  • Chinese boffins: We’re testing an ‘impossible’ EM Drive IN SPAAAACE [link]
  • China claims it’s already started testing an EM Drive in space [link]

Let’s look at the caveats for a moment, as expressed by Fiona MacDonald in the second article’s opening five paragraphs:

The whole world got excited last month when NASA published the first peer-reviewed paper on the ‘impossible’ electromagnetic, or EM, Drive, which appears to somehow defy physics by producing thrust without a propellant.

Their verdict was that it seems to work, although a lot of physicists still think the results are flawed. But now researchers in China have announced that they’ve already been testing the controversial drive in low-Earth orbit, and they’re looking into using the EM Drive to power their satellites as soon as possible.

Big disclaimer here – all we have to go on right now is a press conference announcement and an article from a government-sponsored Chinese newspaper (and the country doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to trustworthy research). Continue reading

The Joy of Simply Being

photographer Ivy

Mary O’Malley – How have the Holidays been for you?  Filled with joy and laughter?  Filled with anger, judgement, heartache and sadness. Or maybe a mix of both? And what is happening in your mind around the New Year?  Do you feel that you must whip yourself into shape by setting goals?  On this journey of Life, it takes a while to begin to see that with all your wanting (maybe a slimmer body, a kinder parent, a different mate and on and on and on), what you really long for is to simply be!

Even though it is one of the most profoundly healing things a human being can do, most of us don’t know how to be. In the Washington Post there was an article on July 3, 2014, reporting on a series of 11 studies done by psychologist Timothy Wilson and his colleagues at U.Va. and Harvard University. They put people in a room with no distractions for 15 minutes– no window, no music, no phone, no iPad – and there was a buzzer that they could shock themselves with if it became too much just to be. Six of the 24 women shocked themselves, and 12 of the 18 men did so.

We have forgotten how to be.  Our minds are usually busy planning what is going to happen, rehashing what did happen and struggling with everything else in between. We love to acquire and do, fix and achieve, attain and figure out. There is nothing wrong with these except when they cut us off from the astounding healing of simply being.

Continue reading

6,000-Year-Old Amulet Reveals Technology Still Used by NASA

Christina Sarich – A 6,000-year-old amulet found in Baluchistan, Pakistan reveals that the ancients were able to use advanced metallurgy – a technology still used by NASA today to duplicate metal objects.

amuletThe evidence supporting this claim can be found in the journal Nature,

“The coexistence of two hitherto indistinguishable non-stoichiometric cuprous oxide phases is revealed in a 6,000-year-old amulet from Mehrgarh (Baluchistan, Pakistan), identified as the oldest known artefact made by lost-wax casting and providing a better understanding of this fundamental invention,” says the journal.

The amulet is a six-spoked wheel which was cast all at once. The spokes were clearly pressed on each other at the center of the wheel until a junction was obtained by superposition; the base of each spoke was attached to the support ring using the same technique.

The researchers who found the amulet explain, Continue reading