Embracing it all

lightThe Angels – In the heavens, we understand that all perspectives have a “right to be.” This is very hard for human hearts to grasp. How can we say perspectives of hatred, division, and bigotry “have a right to be?” How can we allow for a perspective of one who says, “my life is more valuable than your life?” How can we love someone who would create division and violence?”

We know this is very difficult concept because on earth “to love” means to “feel good about” more often than not. In the heavens, however, “to love” means “to see and know the light within” – that love and light that lies beneath the surface of all beings and all things no matter what.

We see beyond the illusions you create, and the roles you play, upon the earth and know you as something more beautiful, more vast, eternal, and unchanging than the roles you play upon the earth. We understand that whatever perspectives a soul embraces upon the earth, they do so out of a necessity to grow, and a desire, no matter how un-evolved, to remember the truth of their being. Some will grow through love and kindness, and some will grow only when they look back in retrospect at the unloving behaviors and trails of pain they have left behind. All will learn. All have value. Continue reading

Ways The World Is Doing Better Than You Might Think

Alanna Ketler –  With so much chaos and uncertainty around the world — war, terror attacks, racial division, health concerns, and more — it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the negativity of it all, to wonder if things will ever change and if we should even bother trying to help what seems like a lost cause.

But sometimes a shift in perspective can really go a long way. Instead of focusing on what is going wrong in the world or your life — which is not the same as ignoring it or pretending it isn’t real — focus instead on what is going right, such as the gift of being alive, the ability to access information, or the support of your friends and family. Practice gratitude for the beauty in this world. Regardless of how small the thing you allow yourself to feel grateful for, practicing gratitude can create a huge shift in yourself and those around you. It’s truly infectious.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the amazing and positive events that are currently taking place on our planet. After all, “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

1. Life Expectancy Is Growing to an All-Time High

Most babies born in 1900 did not live to see the age of 50. Yet now, the average life expectancy in the country with the most impressive longevity, Japan, has reached 83 — an astonishing increase in just over a century. Life expectancy in other wealthy counties clocks in at 81, and overall, people are now expected to reach old age, which was a rare feat not so long ago.

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Wayne Allen Root Makes Obama ‘Treason’ Announcement [w/ Videos]

Your News Wire – The evidence is overwhelming that former President Obama is working behind the scenes in a shadow government to thwart the Trump presidency.

Former VP Candidate, Wayne Allen Root, today posted on his Facebook page that Dana Boente, acting District Attorney General, is allegedly working on ways to find a viable path to charge Obama with treason.

Boente is second in the line of succession to be Attorney General of the United States, under a Feb. 9 Executive Order signed by President Trump.

According to various reports, Obama has been working behind the scenes in trying to overthrow the Trump administration, colluding with domestic terrorist organisations to incite riots nationwide.

Countdowntozerotime.com reports:

With President Obama immediately upon leaving office establishing a private website and proclaiming on it that:

“I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my days that remain.”

Its obvious to even laymen to deduce that  “The Berkeley riots may have been ordered by President Obama himself.”

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New vaccines will permanently alter your DNA

genesJon Rappoport –  I reported on this stunner in my previous article, “Genetically modified people: what could go wrong?” But it deserves its own article. The information needs to be spread far and wide. Now.

The reference is the New York Times, 3/9/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:

“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”

“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was nearly two years ago.] Continue reading

White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped On Trump’s Classified Phone

mccainTrue Pundit – This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain’s life in politics.

According to White House officials, McCain is believed to have somehow gained access to the content of President Donald Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. And he isn’t keeping quiet about what was talked about either.

An analysis of McCain’s recent public statements by White House officials, coupled with information from intelligence personnel working with the Trump administration, paints a disturbing picture for McCain — or any elected U.S. politician. Officials believe the senator has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations, including at least one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Even more alarming, officials believe McCain is secretly sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and his cabal of friendly mainstream media journalists in a dangerous clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency even before it has a chance to succeed. Trump has been searching for media rats in the Beltway in recent weeks.

White House aides are confident they have now outed one of the major leaks plaguing the early days of the Trump presidency. To everyone’s surprise, it is a senior senator supposedly belonging to the same side of the political aisle as the president.

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