Not in Kansas Anymore

schoolDee Chadwell – I have a 1956 Norman Rockwell print of a frumpy, sweet-faced teacher standing in front of a class of clean-scrubbed, straight-backed children.  They had just written “Happy Birthday, Miss Jones!” on the blackboard for her.  It’s a scene light-years away from a 21st-century school massacre, and it may take some time for the more Pollyanna-ish among us to readjust to what the 21st-century school really is.  This may explain the freak-out over the idea of arming teachers: Miss Jones with a Ruger tucked into her belt is just too hard to swallow.

This worries me, because we can’t fix a problem we don’t have the courage to really acknowledge.  Our schoolrooms are still full of great kids, sweet-natured and teacher-loving, but these days, every class has an ever increasing number of students carrying major psychological damage.  I’ll never forget a class of freshmen I had one year.  Of the 27 students in that section, nine were seriously mentally disturbed.  I know a teacher who’s trying to deal with a student who has already thrown rocks through the principal’s office windows and is currently threatening to burn down the school with a flamethrower.  He’s six years old. Continue reading

Merkel: From Schauble To Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs Joseph P Farrell – While we’re talking about Germany and the European Union, Mr. H.B. also spotted this story and passed it along, and it’s worth passing along to you. Remember all the hoopla a few years ago between Germany and Greece, and how Goldman Sachs was being accused as the real architect of the austerity policies that were wrecking the Greek economy?

It was a case then that the runaway socialist policies of southern Europe were having the bill footed by Germany and the stronger northern European economies. The result was actual seizure of assets, in some cases. It is as if we were watching a process where the Parthenon had become private property, and the Greeks, rightly, were not too happy about it, but (not rightly) were not prepared to examine how their own domestic policies had led to the situation.

That, of course, is a dramatic over-simplification, but now there’s a new internal struggle shaping up. Continue reading

Robert Mueller: Dirty Cop & Mainstream Media Darling

muellerJeffrey Marty – A former colleague recently characterized Robert Mueller as “ramrod straight” and “utterly incorruptible.” Similar language was breathlessly repeated in mainstream media biographies on Mueller in PoliticoBBC, and Time magazine. Mueller’s Vietnam-era service in the United States Marine Corps and 2004 tag-team with then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey to save American democracy from warrantless spying are mainstays of these biographies, which always send a clear message that his integrity is beyond reproach.

It’s always suspicious when anyone’s credibility is oversold like this, but that goes double when the same person was FBI director for 12 years—spanning across both the Bush and Obama administrations from 2001 to 2013—yet most people can’t remember anything about him. We should remember actions he took to impartially uphold the law. Sadly, that is not the case. Continue reading

How Exactly Does Sedentarism Affect Your Health?

healthLuke Mitchell – Although the fast food industry is constantly growing, there is a rising interest in its alternatives. People nowadays are becoming more and more aware of their own well-being. For this reason, healthy living is on the rise. The concept has to do with many aspects of daily existence, from nutrition to hobbies and beyond.

The Negative Effects

Modern living trends all support the importance of being as physically active as possible. And modern diet programs today all emphasize the importance of maintaining a regular and varied exercise routine so that a healthier lifestyle is achieved. Most of this is resumed at DefendYourHealthcare.Us where they advise both on personalized workouts and diets. One size does not fit all! Unfortunately, even with all this increase in awareness on the topic of better health, many people are still sedentary. Continue reading