Jihad: Islam’s Engine

islamAmil Imani – Right from the start, violent jihad served as the engine of Islam under the command and supervision of Muhammad himself.  To understand how quickly Islam spread around the world, we must see the timeline of Islam.

After Muhammad’s death in 632 A.D., his friend Abu Bakr was named caliph and ruler of the Islamic community, or Ummah.  Muhammad’s followers in a short time occupied a vast geographic area; conversion to Islam was heightened by Islamic missionaries, who intermingled with local populations to promulgate the Islamic teachings.  It resulted in Islam’s spread outward from Mecca toward both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the creation of the Muslim world. Continue reading

In A World Focused On Material Goods At Christmas – It’s Time To Touch On Something More Important

Gentleness and kindness will make our homes a paradise upon earth. – C. A. Bartol

kindnessAnna Rodgers – As we enter into the ‘silly season’ I felt inspired to write about what I wish Christmas could mean for everyone.

In a world where we have so much focus on material goods, (and never is this more obvious than at Christmas time)  I think its time to touch on something that is far more important.

And that is, have you ever thought about what exactly the true meaning of Christmas might be? What do you think it is?  Being with family and friends? Eating a lot of good food or going away somewhere nice?  Yes it can be all of that, but for me, it is more about giving.

Not the giving of expensive presents to family members and friends, but instead, giving to those that need it most.

Yes, I know that is a cliche, but its a valid one, and it is so very important right now. Continue reading

The Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History

Open Borders
US agents fire tear gas and rubber bullets at Honduran caravan migrants trying to illegally cross the US-Mexican border. Illegal aliens simply don’t do this unless they are paid and guided by their globalist paymasters and handlers.

State of the Nation – Truly, no one has ever seen anything like this in American history.

Numerous members of the U.S. Congress as well as the Judicial Branch have refused to defend the extremely vulnerable open borders of the United States of America.

The very same traitors have flaunted their willful neglect and serial law-breaking where it concerns the protection of the American people from all sorts of threats due to open borders and illegal immigration.  These dire threats only exist because of the extremely porous Mexican border. Continue reading

Keep Up Border Wall Shutdown – Judge Jeanine “This is Your Moment in History” [Video]

Jim Hoft – President Trump spoke with reporters on Christmas morning in the White House.

The president said he will continue the shutdown until America has wall funding. President Trump also accused Democrats of wanting open borders.

The 45th President also said he will take a trip to the border in early January to inspect the progress being made.

This weekend Judge Jeanine Pirro urged President Trump to keep up the border wall shutdown – “This is your moment in history.”

Here is Judge Jeanine’s full statement from her show this past weekend.

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