The Dangers of Google, As Revealed By Project Veritas, and Unsecure Borders [Video]

The Epoch Times – What’s the significance of the recent Project Veritas undercover video featuring a Google executive, through the eyes of Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert?

Have the social media giants become virtual monopolies that need to be broken up?

And how do mere mentions of amnesty, DACA, or legalization, affect the crisis on the southern border? Continue reading

Techno-Fascism Revealed: The Real Collusion

project veritasAlexandra Bruce – As some of you may have noticed, I was de-platformed by my mass-email service provider, MailChimp a week ago last Tuesday. MailChimp froze my account after I tried to send you a newsletter about this new video by an engineer who builds Manhattan skyscrapers. Stunning that this would cause MailChimp to throw me out on the street.

With the sheer volume of de-platformings and strikes affecting thousands of creators across dozens of platforms, I half expected something like this to happen. Still, nothing quite prepares you for the incredible sense of powerlessness from what amounts to being fired from your own sole proprietorship, especially when you’ve done nothing wrong.

And nothing casts an air of contagion around you, when you’re looking for a new provider quite like having been de-platformed. Some providers did not want my business, not because they thought I was a criminal spammer but because my politics are not 100% the same as Google’s and CNN’s. This is why it took so long to find a replacement for MailChimp. Continue reading

Dossier 2.0 – Mueller’s ‘Black Cash’ Ledger

muellerDaniel John Sobieski – We are familiar with the pattern. Leak details about fake documents like the Steele dossier to the media, then use the media reports as a second source “corroborating” the unverified report when using it to justify your illegal actions.

More evidence of the deceitful and arguably illegal actions by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller has popped up, this time regarding Paul Manafort’s “black cash ledger” allegedly documenting criminal financial moves on his part and it parallels the criminality of the use of the Steele Dossier by the FBI to lie to the FISA court to authorize the surveillance of Team Trump and help launch Mueller’s failed Russia collusion probe. Continue reading

Synchronicity: Ways to Interpret and Manifest It

“Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connection between the subjective and objective world.”  – Carl Jung

synchronicityMateo Sol – You keep seeing the same repeated numbers, colors, words, or images all the time. What’s happening?

Are you going crazy?

Thankfully, the answer is no. You’re not going crazy. You’re actually experiencing a phenomenon called synchronicity.

What is Synchronicity?

Synchronicity is a term originally coined by psychologist Carl Jung that refers to the meaningful (or even miraculous) coincidences that occur in your life. When you experience synchronicity you’ll have experiences that seem far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters.

Synchronicity can manifest in an endless number of forms; popular types including names, numbers, words, symbols, and events.

What is the Purpose of Synchronicity?

A growing number of people believe that synchronicity is like a powerful ‘wink’ from the Universe telling us that yes, we’re on the right track. Synchronicity is also believed to be a form of guidance from the Higher Self; a way of showing you where to go and what to do next in your life. Continue reading

Letting Go, Letting Go, Letting Go

lifeMary O’Malley – Take a moment to notice, are you holding your breath? Is there tightness in your shoulders or tension in your stomach? In this wild roller coaster ride called life, we all hold on a lot.

We have all been conditioned to do life, which causes a lot of trying, judging, comparing and wishing things were better or different than what they are. And this tightens your mind, your body and your heart.

There is another way to live life. It is the art of letting go. I invite you right now, as you breathe in, to tighten every single muscle you can find and then, very slowly, on your out breath, let all that tightness relax. If it calls to you, do this a few more times and you may begin to notice a spaciousness that comes when you soften what is chronically holding inside of you.

You might also have discovered a resistance inside of you to even stop and allow one long slow out breath! No need to judge this. We are all scared of letting go because the last time we were that open to life – when we were very, very little, – we got scared out of ourselves and we have all been holding on since. Continue reading