How The 5G Control Grid Can Lead Us To Freedom

Claire Edwards – The worldwide roll-out of the 5th generation of wireless technology or 5G is being met with increasingly vociferous opposition from growing numbers of physicians, scientists and campaigners. But could 5G paradoxically represent a magnificent opportunity for us to change course, away from our current self-destructive trajectory?

The weapon and surveillance and mind-control grid that is 5G was so named by the telcos in the hope that people would believe it to be just an upgrade from 4G and it could thereby be rolled out without anyone realizing that their minds and bodies were being hijacked in pursuit of massive profits for a psychopathic ruling elite. Continue reading

Geoengineers: Antarctica Needs More Snow

climate changeJoseph P Farrell – Yes, you read that headline correctly. Antarctica needs more snow, according to the following article spotted and shared by “D”, and by golly, the geoengineers want to provide it, all 7,400 gigatons of it:

Scientists propose dumping 7,400 gigatons of ‘artificial snow’ on Antarctica

Now, if you read this thing, you’re probably scratching your head like I am, and wondering if it could possibly become any loopier than it already is. The coming-ice-age-global-warming-climate-change folks have been out in force in the last few decades, warning about rising sea levels and the threat they pose to places like Miami and New York City, unaccustomed as they are to negotiating life in cities built in water, unlike Venice, or for that matter, Amsterdam. But if you’re like me, you’re thinking there’s something wrong with the following: Continue reading

The time is Now

holographicSuzanne Lie, Ph.D. – Dear Arcturians, do you have a message for me today?

Yes, we always have a message for anyone who asks for a message. In fact, during your now, it is a very good habit, ritual, gift to your self, to communicate with ourselves, the Arcturians, or any of the other members of your higher dimensional family.

You’re higher dimensional family is made up of Galactics, angelics, ascended beings, Elohim and even Gaia. Yes, Gaia is a living being who has evolved to the status of being a “planetary being.” Many of you who are currently wearing a human form have volunteered to take your present 3rd-dimensional body to better assist Gaia with her planetary ascension. Continue reading

Be the peace

Photo by Marina

The Angels – We know your beautiful hearts. We see your beautiful light. We know how deeply you want to love and be loved, for that is woven into the very fabric of your being and is the purpose of your existence here on earth. You are here, hoping to witness your Self – your true Self – in your human self and in all of creation. You are as the waves upon the ocean wanting to know the ocean – within yourselves and all others.

Imagine that you are a peaceful wave, and you see a very large tidal wave coming your direction. You fear you will get swallowed alive. You fear you will die. You fear chaos and disruption of your peace. Suppose you tried to rise up further and fight that angry wave. What do you think would happen? Most of you know the answer. You would be swallowed up in the struggle. Continue reading

The Relationship Between Om and 108

Ethan Indigo Smith – The relationship between Om and 108 has much to teach us in terms of how to conceptualize and expand consciousness.

A primary presentation of consciousness is articulated in The Om symbol, via its three constituent sounds, A-U-M. Throughout the day we exist in the wake state, the first state of consciousness, represented by the A sound. The second state of consciousness is sleep, represented by the U sound. The third state of consciousness is known as deep sleep state, represented by the M sound.

This state of consciousness is what we think of as being in the Zone. This state is when our abilities are sharpened and we are capable of great feats without great effort. Continue reading