Dawning Age of Aquarius and the 5D Ascension Shift

aquariusOpen – A lot has been written and said about the Dawning Age of Aquarius – the subject has been veritably vlogged to death! There’s even been plenty of dispute about its true beginning.

As I expressed in Openhand’s Solstice Journal, it feels very clear to me that the great Saturn/Jupiter conjunct of this winter solstice did indeed mark the beginning of this New Age. It spoke to me through signs and synchronicity, not least the huge water bearing storm Bella, that swept through the UK on Boxing Day: we have moved from the age of Pisces and into that of the water-bearer Aquarius.

What can we intuit about the influence on planetary consciousness?
What does it tell us about how to prepare ourselves going forwards?
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Covid-1984 and the Agendas to Come with James Perloff [Video]

PerloffAlexandra Bruce – Spiro Skouras is joined by author, journalist, James Perloff, to reflect on our annus horribilis. I know Perloff from his extensive work on 9/11. I was interested to learn here that he started writing for the New American way back in 1985 and that he has just now retired after nearly 40 years as a Registered Nurse, so he brings his decades of experience in the healthcare industry and in parapolitical research to bear on his observations of the Scamdemic.

As Spiro notes, the media and the governments around the world have been exploiting our normalcy bias to have us believe that all of what’s happening is by chance and that we must all obey their mandates to mitigate the “crisis”. Continue reading

Mathematician Bobby Piton Finds More Than 500,000 Unique Last Names in Pennsylvania

Bobby Piton

Jim Hayek – Bobby Piton, the mathematician who testified at the Arizona voter fraud hearing dropped a bombshell this weekend.

Mr. Piton has done extraordinary work crunching data and his testimony pointed out blatant voter fraud through incontrovertible evidence, at one point claiming he’d stake his life on the factual nature of his testimony.

Piton revealed this weekend that he examined just over 9 million records in Pennsylvania and has identified 521,879 unique last names.

In other words, these people have no parents, siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins who share the same last name (phantom voters). Continue reading

The Thought-Terminating Cliché

thoughtPaul Rosenberg – The thought-terminating cliché (also called thought-stopper or bumper sticker logic) is more purely a verbal weapon than the rest of the fallacies we’ve covered. But it is very common.

The thought-terminating cliché is a common phrase, usually catchy and sharp, used to end a discussion. The purpose of the cliché is not to make a rational point, but rather to escape a rational discussion. It’s the kind of schoolyard foolishness we’d like people to grow out of by ten years old:

See, you’re wrong.

Well… You’re fat!

So, once again we find a trick that’s positively juvenile, but that’s used all the time, and very often successfully. When a discussion goes too far, one side comes up with a trite phrase like one of these: Continue reading