Cultivating Beginner’s Mind: Adventure Lies Outside Your Comfort Zone

“The don’t-know mind… doesn’t fear, has no wish to control or foresee, steps off the cliff of the moment with absolute trust that the next step will land somewhere, and the next step somewhere else, and the feet will take us wherever we need to go.” ~Byron Katie

learnAmaya Pryce – I am fifty-five years old. I’ve raised a family, been through two divorces, bought and sold four houses, and had a successful professional career. And right now I’m doing one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, which is learning to host in a busy restaurant.

My coworkers range from mid-twenties to early thirties. They are smart and hardworking. I feel like my brain is about to explode. Continue reading

Trump Election Battle Continues, Christmas Message 2020 [Video]

TrumpGreg Hunter – The election fraud battle is far from over, and President Trump does not look like a man who is ready to give up–quite the contrary.  If you want an excellent summation of all the fraud and crime that has been uncovered since Election Day, please watch the President’s 14 minute video outlining the outrageous scam that the 2020 Election really was. 

These are facts and NOT some tinfoil hat theories that the Left and corrupt propaganda mainstream media (MSM) keeps telling you.  Trump is not giving up, and neither should you accept the pretend president Joe Biden. Continue reading

We Are In The Times of Prophesy

globalJames Gilliland – There have been so many prophesies about these times it is not as if we were not warned. No rock shall be left unturned, all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops, the world of opposites where who we thought were the good guys turn out to be the dark hearts.

Some call this end time madness.  As we move into the Age of Aquarius the consciousness and energy shift will reveal everything. There is a lot of in house fighting within the UFO and Spiritual communities some with merit others venting their own personal problems within the communities.

Still others are succumbing to some very dark divisive energies. There are those going off in their own personal crusade to make a name for themselves trying to take down others avoiding their own shadow side projecting it on others.  This is not a new problem it is a very old problem. Continue reading

Elevating Your Frequency And Vibrating Even Higher

soulAdeana M. Slater – The energy to stagnate or settle is becoming less and less enjoyable or desirable. This is good news.

This means we have crossed yet another threshold or hurdle not only individually but collectively. You may not know your true soul calling and mission YET. This does not mean you are behind or are missing something.

You have have been aware all along that things in your life need to change. Whether you heed that message is something entirely different. But like I spoke of in the last message to you, your lessons will continue to show itself until you finally “get it” and understand. Continue reading

Big Media: Selling the Narrative and Crushing Dissent for Fun and Profit

big mediaCharles Hugh Smith – The U.S. has entered an extremely dangerous time, and the danger has nothing to do with the Covid virus. Indeed, the danger long preceded the pandemic, which has served to highlight how far down the road to ruin we have come.

The danger we are ill-prepared to deal with is the consolidation of the private-sector media and its unification of content into one Approved narrative which is for sale to the highest bidders. This is the perfection of for-profit Totalitarianism in which dissent is crushed, dissenters punished and billions of dollars are reaped in managing the data and content flow of the one Approved Narrative.

So don’t post content containing the words (censored), (censored) or (censored), or you’ll be banned, shadow-banned, demonetized, demonized and marginalized. Your voice will be erased from public access via the Big Media platforms and you will effectively be disappeared but without any visible mess or evidence–or recourse in the courts. Continue reading