Ways to Detox With Iodine

iodineTy Bollinger – It’s a fact we can’t ignore: we live in a toxic world. In response to this, you have probably also heard about the importance of detoxing your body. You may have even tried cleanses for specific organs such as the gut, liver, or kidneys.

But did you know that there are certain nutrients that can “work their magic” by gently helping the body to detoxify on a daily basis? Iodine is at the top of this list of important minerals which can heal as well as cleanse.

3 Critical Ways that Iodine Can Help You Detox

#1 – Iodine Can Help Your Body Detox from Halides (Fluoride, Bromide and Chlorine)

Let’s get specific when it comes to the toxins that are impacting your health and the health of your loved ones. Many of the dangerous chemicals we take in from the air, water, soil, and food supply are called “endocrine disruptors.” Continue reading

Greatest Time Point in History Coming April 2021

PolnyGreg Hunter – Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny says we are approaching the “Greatest Time Point in Human History” near the end of April.  In the last year, Polny calculated time points and big events such as his prediction of a “new era of time” that would unfold after his February 2020 interview. It certainly did with the age of Covid lock-downs that started in March of 2020.

Polny also predicted a 35% to 40% decline in the stock market in mid-2020.  (The market sold off 38%.)  Polny also predicted “something epic” would happen on September 18, 2020, and that was the day Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg died.

So, what is Polny’s cycle analysis telling him now? Continue reading

January 6 Prosecutions Hit a Speed Bump

Munchel And EisenhartClarice Feldman – Two weeks ago, I wrote of the Department of Justice’s overreach respecting some of the hundreds of January 6 defendants. On Friday the D.C. Circuit clipped the department’s wings. I expect more such losses as time goes on and the Department must actually present evidence in contested trials.

The ploy of keeping in D.C. jails without bail some of the protestors who engaged in no specific violent acts at the Capitol until their cases can be heard was very obviously designed to compel them to plea bargain so they could return home to their families and jobs, and the three-judge panel wasn’t buying it. If you think that there is a partisan tinge to their decision, you’d be wrong, Judge Robert Wilkins was confirmed under Barack Obama; Judge Judith Rogers under Bill Clinton, and Judge George Katsas under Donald Trump. It was bipartisan. Continue reading

Full moon in Libra March 28 2020

full moonLena Stevens – What did you pray for this past New Moon? You should receive insights, movement and clarity on that prayer and intention. This is a time to fertilize the dream and intention. It is also a time to support it with balance and beauty.

There is a continued opportunity for deep healing. If you find yourself triggered by a projection or judgment look within to see what needs to be healed. It is important not to take anything personally and to use this dynamic energy in positive ways.

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Would your rather be happy or right?

rightThe Angels – As your earth continues to rebirth itself we wish for you an awareness of your incredible freedom. Each one of you regardless of external circumstances is free to tune your energy to attract and allow the life you want. When you focus, in your inner world, on the things that you appreciate and give you joy, on the people you resonate with, the causes you admire, in this joyous space of thinking about what makes you happy and inspires you, you begin to draw it to you.

You have, however, been taught to place an inordinate amount of focus on the external world. We know you must focus on the external when it must be dealt with and we celebrate your focus upon all that you enjoy within it. However, if you start to think of your life force – your attention and energy – as your most precious resources, then you will start to become a bit more discerning about how you use your focus. Continue reading