John Cena To Undergo Experimental Spine Implant Surgery

SATIRE from Babylon Bee

spineLOS ANGELES, CA—Actor and WWE wrestler John Cena announced that he will soon be undergoing a controversial new spine implant surgery after being diagnosed with a tragic case of having no spine.

The startling revelation that John Cena had no spine unfolded before the nation’s eyes this week when what appeared to be a strong, virile American male apologized to the communists in China for some stupid reason. Continue reading

CV19 Vax Resistant Mutations, Ballot Audits Continue, Inflation Tax [Video]

vaccineGreg Hunter – According to the 2008 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Luc Montagnier, the CV19 vaccines are creating variants or mutations that are resistant to the CV19 vaccine.  He also says that he is following the global vaccination push closely and says he is documenting that the “curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”  Montagnier says he is seeing “patients who have become sick with Corona after being vaccinated.”

The mainstream press is already trying to tamp this down by saying Montagnier is an “anti-vaxer” and was misquoted.  I guarantee you he is not misquoted here on  See for yourself. Continue reading

America’s Audit: “They’re Trying to Prevent Us from Doing It”

forensic auditJordan Conradson – On Thursday, Jordan Conradson sat down again with Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett and Randy Pullen for updates on the ongoing audit of the 2020 Maricopa County Election.

As the audit is finding serious irregularities and likely fraud they are facing constant obstruction attempts by the county, local Democrats, national Democrats, and the liberal media.

Conradson: Do you guys have an update total for us?

Bennett: I think we’re at over 800,000 ballots counted and things are running very smoothly. We’ve had some of the highest number of counting tables since the audit began, yesterday afternoon, 33, and 37 new people are being trained today. Over 300 new workers and volunteers were trained last week. The pace is starting to ramp up but the speed is not our goal, accuracy is our number one goal. Continue reading

Nikola Tesla, Ether, Antigravity And Harnessing The Power Of The Universe

teslaAncient Code Team – Over 100 years ago, Nikola Tesla figured out technologies that we today are still unable to understand.

In the late 1800s, Nikola Tesla talked about Antigravity technology, Flying Saucers powered by specific Tesla Coils and ‘Ether’ which was acted upon by the life-giving creative force.

“I have worked out a dynamic theory of gravity in all details and hope to give this to the world very soon.”

Most of the things you see around you today, electricity, the radio, drones, fluorescent lighting, neon lights, radar, microwave and dozens of other amazing inventions are the result of one mind: Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla is a man absent from history books but responsible for futuristic technology which we enjoy today, which was envisioned by this genius over one hundred years ago. Continue reading

Blue Pill or Red Pill – Choose Wisely

red pillJohn Green – I’ve been writing a great deal about buyer’s remorse.  But just when I think I’ve said everything that needs to be said on the subject, it suddenly gets even worse.  President Asterisk’s poll numbers are going south faster than a Minnesota snowbird in October.  But, not to be undone, President-elect Harris is racing old Joe to the bottom of the scale.  Even liberals are starting to disclose how truly nasty and unlikeable the duo really are.  Has Joe managed to “red pill” the population?

In our modern-day version of The Matrix, the left has been attempting to “blue pill” us with their incessant propaganda.  However, some are experimenting with the red pill.  They’re opening their eyes and seeing the truth for the first time.  It’s the blue pill for the leftist Kool-Aid and the red pill for truth and reality — a rather appropriate color choice — no? Continue reading