Election Fraud Truth Has Deep State Terrified [Video]

newmanGreg Hunter – Author of the popular book “Deep State” and award winning journalist Alex Newman says Deep State globalists’ number one worry is the truth about the 2020 Election fraud getting out to the public.

Newman explains, “We have the same issue that we have had since 2016.  The Deep State, the establishment is absolutely terrified of Donald Trump.  They are terrified because they don’t control him, and he does represent a threat to the system.”

The audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, is just wrapping up hand counting 2.1 million ballots.  There is more work to do, but preliminary results are coming out soon.  There are several other states that are proceeding with election audits modeled after Arizona’s, and many more states are strongly considering it.

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Period of Purification

purificationKate Spreckley – It’s been a big week energetically. The cosmic energy over the past month created a tremendous force for change which culminated with this week’s Full Moon. As we move into the weekend, we are urged to take some time to rest and reflect as the incoming energies have facilitated some deep-seated changes and inner transformation. Continue reading

How to Exit the Roundabout of Non-Commitment

lifeKristen Yates – The energy of commitment is magic. Absolute magic.

This week marks six months that I’ve been in Peru working with Huachuma – and let me tell you, if you had told me a year ago that I’d abandon my digital nomad lifestyle to spend half a year working with plant medicine, I never would have believed it. But it turns out, the energy of commitment is vital to create forward motion in our lives – and it’s something I’ve been rather unconscious of for most of the past ten years traveling the world, flitting from thing to thing fiercely determined to live my life open-ended, experiencing it all but never truly landing in my path. Continue reading

The Barking Dog Dilemma

soulOwen K Waters – Imagine a dog living in a suburban neighborhood, where detached houses are arranged in closely-packed lots along each street. The dog knows that it is supposed to bark at people who get too close to its home. So, naturally, every time one of the neighbors comes out of their home, the dog barks endlessly at the neighbor.

Hopefully a solution can soon be found to such a situation, but I mention it here to illustrate a situation which can arise with the human ego.

The human ego’s function is to protect the boundaries of your individuality. If it feels that those boundaries are threatened, its natural function is to make warning noises. Continue reading

The Power of Focus is the Greatest form of Empowerment!

focusThe Angels – As the human race continues your transition into the 5D reality, you are learning a very different way of living – one that has always been the way the universe truly works, but one that is more obvious than ever before.

Your focus determines your thoughts. Your thoughts (or silent mind) tune you into a vibration, and your vibration is made manifest first through your feelings, then by what shows up in your life.

In 5D it is becoming increasingly apparent that this is how you create your life experience: Continue reading