Checksum Discovered In DNA (The Mathematics Of DNA)

Cosmic Fingerprints

Imagine that someone gives you a mystery novel with an entire page ripped out.

And let’s suppose someone else comes up with a computer program that reconstructs the missing page, by assembling sentences and paragraphs lifted from other places in the book.

Imagine that this computer program does such a beautiful job that most people can’t tell the page was ever missing.

DNA does that.

Barbara McClintock won Nobel Prize posthumously

In the 1940′s, the eminent scientist Barbara McClintock damaged parts of the DNA in corn maize. To her amazement, the plants could reconstruct the damaged section. They did so by copying other parts of the DNA strand, then pasting them into the damaged area.

This discovery was so radical at the time, hardly anyone believed her reports. (40 years later she won the Nobel Prize for this work.)

And we still wonder: How does a tiny cell possibly know how to do…. that???

A French HIV researcher and computer scientist has now found part of the answer. Hint: The instructions in DNA are not only linguistic, they’re beautifully mathematical. There is an Evolutionary Matrix that governs the structure of DNA.

Computers use something called a “checksum” to detect data errors. It turns out DNA uses checksums too. But DNA’s checksum is not only able to detect missing data; sometimes it can even calculate what’s missing. Here’s how it works.

In English, the letter E appears 12.7% of the time. The letter Z appears 0.7% of the time. The other letters fall somewhere in between. So it’s possible to detect data errors in English just by counting letters.

In DNA, some letters also appear a lot more often (like E in English) and some much less often. But… unlike English, how often each letters appears in DNA is controlled by an exact mathematical formula that is hidden within the genetic code table.

When cells replicate, they count the total number of letters in the DNA strand of the daughter cell. If the letter counts don’t match certain exact ratios, the cell knows that an error has been made. So it abandons the operation and kills the new cell.

Failure of this checksum mechanism causes birth defects and cancer.

Barbara McClintock
Jean-Claude Perez discovered an evolutionary mathematical matrix in DNA, based on the Golden Ratio 1.618

Dr. Jean-Claude Perez started counting letters in DNA. He discovered that these ratios are highly mathematical and based on “Phi”, the Golden Ratio 1.618. This is a very special number, sort of like Pi. Perez’ discovery was published in the scientific journal Interdisciplinary Sciences / Computational Life Sciences in September 2010.

Jean-Claude Perez discovered an evolutionary mathematical matrix in DNA, based on the Golden Ratio 1.618

Before I tell you about it, allow me to explain just a little bit about the genetic code.

DNA has four symbols, T, C, A and G. These symbols are grouped into letters made from combinations of 3 symbols, called triplets. There are 4x4x4=64 possible combinations.

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Gillian Grannum ~ Discover Your Life Path (Part 4) – Life Paths 7 & 22

Gillian Chabrol Grannum, Ph.D. | April 12 2012

Life Path 7 [The Analyst]  |  Life Path 22 [Master Builder] ~ Short Audio Files

The Life Path

This release of audios for life paths 7 & 11 completes the postings of high level descriptions of life paths and the underlying frequencies supporting growth and development within a particular arena of experience. There is, of course, much more to your life experience than the lessons contained within the life path. The degree of ease or difficulty in finding your way through the experiences you meet in life is found within the  characteristics and traits you possess in your Expression (full name at birth), heart’s desire (sometimes called “soul urge”), personality, planes of expression (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), and many other key components within your numerological blueprint.

An accurate analysis is not simply a regurgitation of various numerical values within your name and date of birth. It requires examination at a deep intuitive level to determine  dominant characteristics within the life that are likely to have the greatest impact within the various cycles as these unfold. This requires the ability to attune to frequency so as to determine how best to provide insight and understanding to each client. Proficiency in this aspect of numerology accrues over time and as a result of analysis of hundreds of charts. But even that is insufficient. The truly gifted numerologist must have, at base, an unwavering desire to be of assistance – to enlighten another concerning the truly amazing Being experiencing Life on earth in physical form.

Calculate Your Path Of Life Based on Period Cycles

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Gillian Grannum ~ Discover Your Life Path (Part 3) – The Meaning & Interpretation Of Life Paths 3, 5, & 11

Gillian Chabrol Grannum, Ph.D. | April 12 2012

Life Path 3 [Creativity]  |  Life Path 5 [Freedom]
Life Path 11 [Illumination] ~ Short Audio Files

The Life Path

Of the 4 core elements in numerology – Life Path, Expression, Heart’s Desire (Soul Urge), and Birth Day – the Life Path represents the major lesson to be learned. It is the central focus of the inner life being externalized. It is the heart of the core frequencies.

Many who believe in reincarnation also believe that the soul returns to Earth in physical form time after time to concentrate on new lesson plans – new specific sets of predetermined frequencies required to attain mastery, or simply to experience life once again from an altered perspective. Once all lessons are complete the soul essence need not return and moves to higher planes of experience.

In simple terms, the life path provides opportunities to gain mastery of a particular form of frequency represented by the number on the path. This frequency interacts with the environment (people and places) in hopes of mastering the creation of circumstances consistent with harmonized ego advancement and soul growth.

Many deeply held beliefs, attiudes and characteristics are determined by the life path. Matthew Oliver Goodwin (Numerology: The Complete Guide) says “visualize the life path as a broad channel or highway running through all the possible activities a person may encounter in a lifetime. The route holds the environment and all the opportunities for the study at hand.”

Now it must not be forgotten this is a Freewill universe. This means you are free to stay on the life path you selected at birth and reap benefits you built in at various cyclical “destiny points” within your life. You are also free to wander off the path, as may happen from time to time. You may even have experienced difficulty determining the life path due to powerful energies in the family taking hold shortly after birth and steering your energies in the direction of family choice rather than your innate, natural proclivities. This latter condition (frequently encountered) is when confusion arises and recalibration of the sort that occurs with a detailed numerical analysis might prove beneficial.

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Gillian Grannum ~ Discover Your Life Path (Part 2) – The Meaning & Interpretation Of Life Paths 2, 6, & 9

Gillian Chabrol Grannum, Ph.D. | April 11 2012

Audio Files ~ Life Path 2 [Cooperation  |  Life Path 6 [Responsibility]
Life Path 9 [Completion]

The Life Path

Your life path on planet Earth began the instant you drew your first breath. You came equipped with a storyline of energetic propensities and probabilities – what you are like, what you can depend upon to make your way through life, your abilities, character, and talents.

Life path frequencies emanate from your month, day and year of birth. Juno Jordon refers to these frequencies as the Birth Force. The Life Path or Birth Force is considered a positive vocational indicator and represents what is familiar (second nature) to you. It is what you do instinctively, naturally – with little or no training. The life path supplies the force and power you depend on throughout your life. It represents what you are, or have in your toolkit.

You have no doubt met Marys and Davids and Johns who share characteristics in common but differ in talent, capabilities, and interests. It is the difference in the life paths that creates the difference in how the frequencies associated these similar names are interpreted and broadcast.

Lynn M. Buess states in Numerology For A New Age “The date of birth is determined by the soul and higher self of the incoming child. Every mother has the experience of knowing that when the child is ready birth occurs. It is right and proper that the soul does the choosing because the life number indicates the type of circumstance, opportunities, challenges and destiny that life experience will bring to you for experiential evolution.”

Calculate Your Path Of Life Based on Period Cycles

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Gillian Grannum ~ Discover Your Life Path (Part 1) – The Meaning And Interpretation Of Life Paths 1, 4, & 8

Gillian Chabrol Grannum, Ph.D. 

Audio FilesLife Path 1 [Independence]  |  Life Path 4 [Work Ethic]
Life Path 8 [Executive Potential]

Numerology is an ancient occult science that reveals the vibratory frequency locked into numerical codes, and how these impact each individual based on their full name (at birth) and date of birth. Number values lie at the core of creation. According to James Tyberonn (who channels Archangel Metatron) . . . Sacred geometry is the core-fabric of all realities. Sacred geometry is the language, the ‘reality program’ of the Cosmos.”

Pythagoras, the brilliant ancient Greek mathematician, developed a numerological system as part of his Science of Numbers and Theory of Magnitude. He stated The principles governing numbers [are] understood to be the principles of real existence. The elements of numbers [are] the elements of reality.”

Juno Jordan, a very famous American numerologist wrote in her bestseller Numerology: The Romance In Your Name that “Numerology, as it is presented today, is based on the precepts presented by Pythogorus. These precepts are:

  • nature geometrizes
  • divine law is defined and accurate, and
  • human nature can be computed and figured with mathematical precision as definitely as any statement in arithmetic or physics.”

In pursuit of understanding the cosmos Pythagoras ascribed various meanings to numbers and these, by and large, are used by modern-day scholars to provide interpretations based on the numerical signatures appearing in the birth name and date of birth.

The Life Path

The life path is based on the inter-connectedness of cycles and patterns that form the foundation of nature. The Life Path is cyclical. It is computed from the date of birth and forms the longest cycle in a chart (running from birth to death). It is a triune cycle made up of

  1. month of birth [Cycle 1]
  2. day of birth [Cycle 2] and
  3. year of birth [Cycle 3].

The Life Path is produced by summing the values of these three cycles and reducing it to a single digit.

Calculate Your Path Of Life Based on Period Cycles

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