The Revelation of You: Unleash Your Authentic Being into the World

The Revelation of You: Unleash Your Authentic Being into the WorldOpen – What does it take to become the next best version of you? When you can find absolute authenticity, then you’ll find the Universe progressively ‘bends around you’ with each new iteration of beingness. It means everything in your life becomes increasingly aligned and harmonious.

Finding this authenticity then, is priceless. At Openhand, it’s about opening a space through the contractions you might feel and weaving the threads of beingness that then come through. Here’s how. Continue reading

The 5 Secrets To Letting In Love

“Immature love says, “I love because I need you.” Mature love says “I need you because I love you.” – Unknown

Broken heartJafree Ozwald – We all have a variety of ways that we guard and protect ourselves from getting hurt. The fortress built around the heart which protects us from the slightest possible pain, is also what’s blocking the softest sweetest most gentle healing energy from finding its way in.

When our inner fortress remains too rigid and strong, it can push away those who are trying to give us love. When this occurs these walls no longer serve our highest good and its vital that we dismantle them. It’s only through dissolving these wounded walls that we can truly relax, lighten up and become receptive again to let in love. Continue reading

Keys to Evolving with Ease and Joy

Keys to Evolving with Ease and JoyAilia Mira – As the Earth continues to expand into higher frequencies, it can draw us upward with it, if we let it.

This is done with the greatest ease, if we cultivate states of joy and positive expectation.

As way-showers and frequency holders, our role, is to embody this higher light. To let it transmute and transform our entire human energy system—spiritual, mental, emotional and even physical. The physical changes are deeply underway now and they require so much self-love and inner listening in order to be accomplished. Continue reading

5 Ways to Improve Your Mood Instantly, and Reduce Stress

Act As IfDavid Hamilton, PhD – One of the fastest ways to get stressed is to act as if you’re stressed.

Now, I’m assuming this isn’t your goal and I’m attempting to be light-hearted to make the point.

But let’s suppose you’re tired of being at peace and happy all the time and you want to feel just as stressed as the next person, well one of the fastest ways to achieve that goal is to move your body in a jerky fashion. Continue reading

The Art of Anticipation: Enjoying the Journey to Your Desires

The Art of Anticipation: Enjoying the Journey to Your DesiresThe Angels – There is no race to a goal. There is no finish line to your soul. There is no point at which you will ever stop wanting more. You are made of the Creative force of the universe, which lives within and flows through you. Creation happens through you. It will never cease.

Watch the pure little ones. They want a toy so badly that they think of nothing else! They get it, play with it awhile, and then want the next toy. They are consummate creators.

Watch nature. The acorn wants to be an oak, and then the oak wants to make acorns. Nature never stops creating. Continue reading