Feeling Strange? The energies are intense

Ashli – Aloha All, James [Gilliland] asked me to update you all on what’s been happening energetically and why you may be feeling anxious, irritable, flowing between anger and grief and almost feeling like you can’t stand to be in your skin. If you’re not feeling it, others around you may be and if they are not conscious of what’s happening then they can “detox” all over you energetically.

There is a conflux of two major happenings taking place as well as a third influence.

1. 11th Dimensional Craft getting closer to Earth
2. Solar Sector Boundary Crossing in Space
3. Several Planets in Retrograde

11th Dimensional Craft getting closer to Earth

The first and most intense event taking place is the 11th Dimensional Craft is entering into our galaxy and as it gets closer to Earth the intensity of the frequency recalibration they are beaming to us is growing. This Craft and the 11th Dimensional Beings aboard it are here to accelerate the Awakening Process and are Benevolent Light Beings. Their frequency is so high that as we collectively become exposed to it any denser energies have to be “detoxed” to make room for this expansion. Those of us that are consciously on our path know to not “react” but to either do clearings, ground or isolate ourselves if the energies are too extreme. Those not conciously aware will be in a reactive mode, getting angry, crying, acting out and being irritable.

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Dreams, Timelines and Parallel Worlds

Zen Gardner – Like many of you, I have had dreams in my life, including recurring ones, that were clearly significant. I can’t say I’m an adept interpreter but many of us try to consciously get whatever message we think there may be for us from dreams.

Let’s face it, virtually one third of our lives are spent in the sleeping state yet we know our full consciousness never shuts off. This dream world is a significant one to know about that could teach us many things. That observer inside each of us is getting it all and we need to pay attention and learn.


Art by Deeo Elaclaire

Several times I have had a strong sense that it’s a parallel existence I was experiencing where perhaps my life had split off and continued on in some different direction, perhaps due to some fundamental decision that I made somewhere along the timeline leading to the one I’m now living in this currently shared 3D existence.

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How the light gets in 2016 Programme


How The Light Gets In 2016 has more than 700 events.   Please take a look at the Quick Overview to see events at a glance. Festival Tickets give you access to all main events. Or you can buy individual Event Tickets along with a Site Pass.

Shift Frequency was invited by IAI-TV to help publicize this wonderful festival. Please support if you can.  Thank you.

SF Source IAI-TV  April 32016

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Harnessing Abundance

gratitude Jelaila Starr – For those of you who follow the weekly messages, you know that learning just how the inner world works has been a major focus. In fact, it was the primary focus during basic training for my mission. The reason the guides focused so much on the inner world is because they knew that is where we create our reality. When we know how to harness the power of our minds while using our emotions to express specific high frequencies (gratitude, appreciation, joy, etc.), we can literally change our reality. And with time having sped up it can happen even faster now–in a matter of hours.

Today’s message is about a couple of tips I’ve learned to change my experience of abundance, both monetary and otherwise.

If You Think It You’ll Create It…In About 36 hours

Having been raised by parents who were chronic worriers, I learned early to be fearful. It’s been a life-long struggle to change from worrying to faith but I feel I’m closer to it than ever before. Even in the midst of the many sh-t storms that I’ve experienced (along with most of us on the ascension path) in the last couple of years, I’ve noticed how fast I come out of them when I apply this tip.

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Say Goodbye to Wrinkles and Sagging Facial Skin After Washing It With Coconut Oil and Baking Soda!

skin Healthy Cures – This combination is great for getting deep into your pores to prevent acne and blackheads. When mixed together, these two products work very well in treating acne, redness, scarring and removing excess dirt, oil and exfoliating dead skin off. The final results are amazing.

Sodium bicarbonate, or ”baking soda”, is often used in homemade baked goods, as a polishing agent, a deep cleaning and deodorizing agent for household use.

It can replace many harsh and toxic household cleaners and provide excellent results.

Baking soda is used as cosmetic (such as teeth and deodorant) as well. It is a natural beauty solution, also highly effective in treating acne. Most often an imbalance in pH can cause skin breakouts, and being an amphoteric compound, baking soda can be used to correct the skin’s pH balance, therefore aid in healing breakouts

Meanwhile, coconut oil has antibacterial, healing and moisturizing properties that condition, nourish, and soothe the skin’s blemishes.

How to Use Baking Soda and Coconut Oil as a Deep Cleanser


  • 2 teaspoons organic extra-virgin coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking soda


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