Judge Cannon Shuts Down Jack Smith’s Case Against Trump

Judge Cannon Shuts Down Jack Smith's Case Against TrumpPatriotic Viral News -The media doesn’t seem eager to report this for some reason, but the classified documents case against Donald Trump in Florida is over. Judge Aileen Cannon permanently removed the case from the court calendar this week, and there’s not even going to be a trial now. Even if Jack Smith attempts to retry the case, there’s no way it will happen before the election.

There were a lot of reasons to throw this case out. It’s an obvious double standard being applied against President Trump.

Hillary Clinton had tens of thousands of classified documents stored on her illegal server at Chappaquiddick from when she was Obama’s warmongering Secretary of State. She was never charged with a crime.

Joe Biden had thousands of stolen classified documents stashed in eight different locations. The Justice Department decided that Biden was too old and dumb to be prosecuted.

Unlike Clinton and Biden, Donald Trump was the President of the United States when the small handful of documents in his possession were removed from the White House. Presidents are allowed to do that. US Senators like Joe Biden and Secretaries of State like Hillary Clinton are not.

The nail in the coffin with this case, however, was the fact that the FBI staged evidence to make it look like Donald Trump was guilty of something. Evidence tampering by law enforcement is never acceptable, and that’s why the case against Donald Trump has now fallen apart.

Here’s an explanation of what happened:

SF Source Patriotic Viral News May 2024

2 thoughts on “Judge Cannon Shuts Down Jack Smith’s Case Against Trump

  1. So does this latest mean that John Q Public will never know the circumstances of the redactions? MSM would likely have been ‘all over’ the subject had the info been heavily biased. The silence is deafening.

  2. Humans tend to believe the first things they hear. To me, that is the game plan of the Left. Tell a story with enough back up information to sound authentic and run with it.

    Here we are after two years seeing the story fall apart, but the media isn’t giving it even a fraction of the original coverage of the made up story. In fact, the made up story is the story! Why was it made up, who called for it to be faked, and what will be done to prosecute the guilty? Where are the investigative journalists? There we have the real story.

    It was clear to anyone following this from the first that President Trump had full authority to declassify these documents so the display of them on the floor was not important in August of 2022! This should never have been a story but it was filling the news everywhere. Why?

    The big story to me is the background behind how this lie was perpetrated, who benefitted, and who came up with this scatterbrained concept? I am 99% sure who I suspect, but I have no proof. My answer rhymes with Joe Biden. He is the one who came up with the scatterbrained scheme to attack General Flynn in December 2016 before Trump was even inaugurated. But, that has never really been researched by the media either. It is obvious the MSM has no interest in finding the real news stories. Again, the question is, “Why?”

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