May 5-12, 2024 – To the Edge and Beyond

“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light” The Taurus Mantra

 May 5-12, 2024 - To the Edge and BeyondLorna Bevan – This week, as the 5/5 Taurus Gateway opens on May 5th, Earth core grid energies rise through your feet and lower chakras – a reminder of your place on Gaia and your responsibility to sustain the Tree of Life.

The Sun is conjunct Albion at 14° Taurus – taking us beyond Pluto, beyond the edge, beyond the threshold to the unknown – evolutionary growth rather than the change or die Pluto effect.

The Buddha’s sign of Earthy Taurus symbolizes the World 3rd Eye and the pineal gland, the ancestral master cell of untapped DNA. Taurus is literally plugged in to the enormous light of the seven hotly burning blue-white stars of the Pleiades – the central Sun – acting as a channel or gateway to the light of this tremendous center, receiving powerful energies from Sirius and the Star of Aldebaran.

On May 8th, the glorious New Moon at 18° Taurus at the heart of a necklace of stars brings new beginnings. The practical yet visionary conjunction of Venus/ Sun/Moon/Uranus/Jupiter in Taurus with Jupiter trine Pluto – archetype of wealth – creates an incredible opening for you to find workable ways to build deep foundations for a better financial future.

The Bull teaches you about magnetism and the nature of desire related to your body, your money, your home and your values and priorities. Wherever Taurus is in your chart is all about consistent building. Whatever hunger begins to awaken will send you on the hunt to generate, stabilize and cultivate your personal security.

♦ create, nurture, grow and build something lasting and beautiful, no matter how small or private

♦ audit your money, talents/gifts/skills/resources that can support you, where you derive your security, your ability to survive and feel safe in the world

♦ manage your material world and stop underestimating or undervaluing your skills

For much more, subscribe to my MAY 2024 5D Report “Multiplying Your Paths to Growth”- with master coaching /journaling prompts on turning opportunities into reality.

Chandra Symbol New Moon TAURUS 19: A crown turns into goat horns.

“A remarkable instinct for the next lesson. Finding it, learning it, and drawing everything out of it that you can. Specialized in destiny activation and interested in nothing else. Driven to take up karmic lessons all the way. Wildly given over to what is taken on.

Working the territory as hard as you can. Making way for something new by wearing out the old. Assigned to tough situations, yet knowing it is appropriate.

Super strong, and especially tenacious and relentless.

In deepest essence, sacrificing yourself so that something can happen here that is going to take a lot of doing. And inside it all, you are curiously resigned to whatever arises, not very concerned because long range results mean everything here. And a moment’s or a lifetime’s discomfort is a small price to pay when destiny is truly involved.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon May 2024

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