Insane vs Sane – Demonic vs Divine [Video]

Insane vs Sane – Demonic vs DivineGreg HunterCatherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.”

Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals.  CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.” Continue reading

The Ghetto-ization of American Life

Charles Hugh Smith – Consider the defining characteristics of a ghetto:

The Ghetto-ization of American Life1. The residents can’t afford to live elsewhere.

2. Everything is a rip-off because options are limited and retailers / service providers know residents have no other choice or must go to extraordinary effort to get better quality or a lower price.

3. Nothing works correctly or efficiently. Things break down and aren’t fixed properly. Maintenance is poor to non-existent. Any service requires standing in line or being on hold. Continue reading

And Who Are You?

And Who Are You?J.B. Shurk – Every once in a while, someone expresses to me the feeling that all is lost. Politics and current events are a daily gut punch, and it is impossible to avoid the cultural revolution exploding just outside our windows. These are, indeed, troubling times for weary souls.

It is no longer sufficient simply to turn off the television, avoid the Internet, and head out to the closest wilderness trail in search of momentary respite, if not tactical escape. Because Western Marxism seeks to politicize everything, it is increasingly difficult to find suitable refuge from the abhorrent hordes of “climate change” cultists, pronoun-obsessed wackadoodles, virtue-signaling simps, racial grievance monsters, Hamas enthusiasts, and other angry, “woke” trolls. While we endure the peak surges of Marxist globalism — a totalitarian system destined to crash from the weight of its own contradictions — it can feel as if we are drowning in unrelenting waves. Continue reading

The Collapse of The Enlightenment

Paul Rosenberg – We are watching the Enlightenment collapse before us in real time. I’ll be fairly brief in my explanation of why this is so and how it came about, but it strikes me as something we should understand.

Bear in mind that what remains of the Enlightenment is collapsing for structural reasons. I haven’t formed this discourse around political or academic theories, I’m basing it on facts and direct observations. Obviously I’m simplifying (one can’t write history any other way), but minus the inevitable exceptions and complications, this is what happened and what is happening. Continue reading

How to Create the Life You Want

Daniel Scranton – “We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We know that you are struggling at times to maintain a higher vibration, and we also know that you do not always see the connection between your vibration and what you are creating and manifesting in your experience. But if you look at your current state of life circumstances, and you ask yourself what the general tone is of those life circumstances, you can usually find your current vibration within them. In other words, you can tell what you have been vibrating by the unique circumstances of your life experience in any given moment. Continue reading