We’re Now 49 Years Into Global Warming (Climate Change) Hysteria

A Third of A Century Into Global WarmingPaul Rosenberg – It was in 1988 that I first heard of global warming. Seeing that we had recently emerged from a cold spell, it came as something of a surprise. But I didn’t think much of it one way or another, as I had, by that time, learned to ignore Big Media. 

The next time I really thought of it was a couple of years later, when I ran into Larry Abraham’s article on The Greening of The Reds. That caught my attention, and as I recall it got a lot of things right. Continue reading

Rare Discovery: Ancient Gold Ring Found in Jerusalem

Rare Discovery: Ancient Gold Ring Found in JerusalemJack Davis – From the mix of heritage, history and holiness that lies below the surface of Jerusalem, archeologists have found a small gold ring that dates back about 2,300 years to the era when Greek civilization spread across the Holy Land.

“It is an unusual and deeply moving find; not one that we discover every day,” the archaeological team said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The gold ring was set with a garnet and was well-preserved when it was found. Continue reading

The Woke Contagion: How DEI Policies Harm UCLA Medical

The Woke Contagion: How DEI Policies Harm UCLA MedicalThomas Gallatin – If the doctor you see is a recent graduate of UCLA Medical School, you may want to find a new one.

A recent deep-dive article from The Washington Free Beacon reports on how the woke contagion of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is killing UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine.

UCLA’s medical school is one of the best in the world. Its curriculum is so rigorous and demanding that last year, just 173 out of some 14,000 applicants were accepted. A 3.8 GPA in difficult college courses and testing at or above the 88th percentile on the Medical College Admissions Test are prerequisites for even being considered. Continue reading

The Dangerous Impact of Social Media on Subconscious Minds

The Dangerous Impact of Social Media on Subconscious MindsPaul Rosenberg – Anything that affects the subconscious minds of billions of people, on a daily basis, is a very serious thing, and that is precisely what has happened over the past decade, as social media captured a large percentage of human cognition.

I am well aware that I am running against the stream. Mine, to be honest about it, is a small and largely unwanted voice. Still, someone needs to say these things, and the truth is that social media directly replaces natural subconscious functions. Or, perhaps more accurately, it displaces  subconscious operations and acts in their place. And that is very, very dangerous. Continue reading

Capitol Protest Gun Arrests: All 5 Were Biden Voters

Real Reason No One Has Ever Heard about Anyone Arrested with Firearms at the January 6th ProtestJessica C. – Ever since the mostly peaceful protests happened on January 6, 2021, at the US Capitol, we have maintained that this little kerfuffle could not have been an insurrection because no one was arrested with a firearm. We have to issue a correction to that. We got it wrong. We have now learned that the FBI and Capitol Police arrested at least five people in possession of firearms on January 5 and 6.

The reason why you’ve never heard of these arrests before is because the gun-toting hooligans were all Joe Biden voters. Continue reading