Seeding Your Next 6 Months

Seeding Your Next 6 MonthsLorna Bevan – After several weeks of relaxing planetary sunshine, the psychological weather turns more unsettled.

Make a note of June 9-11th when warrior Mars enters fixed sign Taurus and immediately squares up to take-no-prisoners Pluto in Aquarius. The mood turns serious as Sun/Mercury in Gemini square Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in Pisces, while Venus squares slippery Neptune.

On the world stage, watch for threats or ultimatums when neither side will back down.

In your own life:

♦ the shadow side of Mars is fighting for power using strong will. Go higher and use skillful will instead, like an Akido master.

♦ the shadow side of Venus/ Neptune is delusion or addiction. Go higher and create a compelling vision board from the clues, insights and inspirations of your morning pages and night time dreams. Rather than a collage of random images you’ve cut out or downloaded, create a clear roadmap infused with intentions so compelling and generative that you start to bring them to life

As we head for the midpoint of the year, seed your next 6 months by following your own guidance.

There is a high road and a low road. A muggle road and a magician road. A devil road and an angel road. An unconscious road and a conscious road….you don’t need to know more theory, you just have to feel more truth.

Chandra Symbol Sun/Mercury 25 Gemini: A cave in deep ocean waters

“Stunning ways to preserve lost knowledge and lost worlds. The treasure chest is full to bursting. A leavening agent. A corrective to shallow patterns of existence.

You are able to be so multidimensional that vastly divergent realities can be lived simultaneously and often are.

Care and effort stand behind this place over myriad lifetimes. Contains boundless intact awareness held for the future. A contact point underneath conscious awareness. Faithful to the cause. Integrity above all.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jun 2024

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