Mega-Corp Using GMO Ingredients Forced to Drop “100% Natural” Labels

“There is no doubt that more companies are being sued every year by consumers and advocacy groups for misleading the public. Lawyers estimate at least 100 lawsuits were filed between 2011 and 2013,” – M Barrett

NatureValleyIn the latest battle within the food industry over what to call and what not to call “all natural,” mega-corporation General Mills was forced to remove the label “100% Natural” from more than 20 of its products, including its Nature Valley snack bars and crispy squares. This is yet more evidence that the food movement is having a much-needed impact, even on mega-corps such as General Mills.

According to the settlement, General Mills has agreed to stop using the term “100% Natural” on any product that contains more than 0.9 percent of synthetically produced ingredients. These ingredients include things like high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, sodium bicarbonate, and more. Even more importantly, GM says it will no longer use the all natural label on products containing more than 0.9 percent of genetically modified ingredients.

Interestingly, Consumer Reports found that more than half of Americans believe that “all natural” means genetically modified ingredients aren’t used. What’s more, 8 out of 10 consumers believe “natural” means were not used to make the food, and that no artificial ingredients are used.

The settlement was sparked by four lawsuits filed by consumers and advocacy groups in 2012 that accused General Mills of making misleading statements by marketing its Nature Valley products as natural when they contained genetically modified and processed ingredients. Continue reading