10:10 Gateway

gatewayMeg Benedicte – On Thursday, October 10th the Ascension Gateway initiates some of the most extraordinary months of our lives. We are entering the most intense phase of the planetary shift that will greatly affect the collective consciousness for the coming years. The 10:10 Gateway initiates a sequence of rapid ascension activations – 11:11, 12:12:12, Solstice, Solar and Lunar Eclipses and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on Jan. 12, 2020.

This will require superpowers of calm, stability and endurance. Imagine you are preparing for a marathon and you need to strengthen your spiritual muscles. You will need to take care of your health. Meditate. Rest. Eat high vibe food. Focus on stamina and patience. This is the moment Lightworkers have been preparing for since the Harmonic Convergence. This is the time to step into your Soul’s shoes and own it! Continue reading