Unlock the Power of the 11:11 Gateway with Meg Benedicte

Unlock the Power of the 11:11 Gateway with Meg BenedicteMeg Benedicte – We are in for a special treat…in just hours the 11:11 Gateway will reach full amplification of harmonic celestial frequencies. You may have been feeling the energy ramping up all week, with increasing kundalini surges and ringing in the pineal crystals and inner ear. The 11:11 Ascension codes are vibrating alive!

The 11:11 number sequence acts as a magnification of the illumination effect that has been increasing since 2012. A great unveiling is occurring, revealing where we still are disconnected from Soul presence. 11:11 is the symbol of Spiritual Mastery. We are becoming more aware of our divine self, purpose and destiny. Continue reading