The Pluto Transit and the Power of Conscious Transition

The Pluto Transit and the Power of Conscious TransitionMeg Benedicte – We are in the midst of a global pivot point while Pluto completes in Capricorn. Pluto transforms whatever it touches in a death/rebirth cycle. During Pluto’s transformative cycle, it will bring unprocessed feelings, beliefs and experiences from the subconscious into conscious awareness. Pluto’s job is dredging up what no longer is beneficial out of the shadows to be released and let go. Conscious light is the universal transformer!

The Pluto transit from Capricorn to Aquarius is passing back and forth across 0° Aquarius a couple times, on June 11, 2023 and upcoming January 22, 2024. Pluto spends approximately 20 years in each astrological sign, the entire orbit lasting 248 years. Continue reading

Great Galactic Alignment 10 Year Anniversary: What’s Changed?

Great Galactic Alignment 10 Year AnniversaryOpen – In the Great Shift, we’re constantly blessed by signs and synchronicity from the divine. We’ve just entered a key numerological portal, 12:12 to 21:12, which this year, leads into the tenth anniversary of the galactic alignment where Gaia was rebirthed and shifted her centre of consciousness into 5D.

Think back 10 short years. So much has irrevocably changed on the planet. What’s changed in your life? Come join this grand celebration of the rejuvenation of life. Let it inspire your next 10 years forwards. Continue reading

11:11 Gateway

11:11 gatewayMeg Benedicte – Can you feel the intensity amplifying? November and December include some of the most powerful cosmic events of the year. As you awaken to the shifting consciousness occurring on the planet, you start to notice repeating number sequences like 11:11, 12:12 and 12:21. These are sacred Ascension codes interacting with your awakening awareness. They signify dimensional shifts of expanding access to higher frequencies, higher knowledge and higher activations.

In numerology 11 is a Master number, symbolizing intuition, initiations, yin/yang union, destiny and enlightenment. As you pass through the 11:11 Gateway, you are becoming Master of your own Destiny, developing more soul embodiment and inner guidance. It is a rare activation of infinite manifestation. Open your heart to receive the abundant blessings as the ‘Master’ that you are! Continue reading