Focusing On the Core – The Rebirth of Earth

5th dimensionalDr. Suzanne Lie – Greetings from the Arcturians, as well as your entire Galactic Family, which is much larger than you may imagine. Please realize that every decision that humanity makes within this NOW is having a great impact on the planet.

If that decision is based on love and light for Gaia and All her inhabitants, you have given Gaia a greater gift than you may imagine. As humans become more conscious of their “Higher Self,” who is their Multidimensional Self, they will feel more and more of a need, an urge, to focus on the core of the planet.

As humanity begins to “remember” that Gaia is a living being, they will begin to understand how person and planet are made up of the same elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Also, just as each human has a core, so does Gaia.

Therefore, when you focus on Gaia’s planetary Body, you are also focusing on Humanities Human Body. Furthermore, each “element” of humanity’s Earth, Air, Fire and Water interacts and affects every other element. Continue reading