9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani

giulianiJames Corbett – After stepping down as mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani tried to launch himself as a national political leader on the back of the single defining event of his career.

In the end he failed miserably, with voters immediately seeing his ploy for what it was: base political pandering.

But what many do not realize is that Giuliani’s case is not just that of another ghoulish politician parading on the corpses of those who died on his watch for his own political gain.

On the day of 9/11, while the remains of the twin towers and WTC7 were still smoldering, one of Mayor Giuliani’s first concerns was clearing away the evidence from the crime scene.

RUDY GIULIANI: “We were able to move 120 dump trucks out of the city last night, which will give you a sense of the work that was done overnight.”
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9/11 Facts Uncovered By Dr. Judy Wood [Video]

Dr Judy Wood is a trained scientist with 35 years experience. She reviews many aspects of the aftermath of the downing of the Twin Towers. She examines anomalies that cannot be accounted for by thermite, the most commonly held theory for how the towers were brought down. Dr. Wood’s evidence is compiled in a 500 page book that has never been challenged or redacted.


That alone indicates Dr. Wood is the real deal. She is a true patriot who is demonized but whose theories are never seriously discussed by the 9/11 community.

– Original posting  Jul 22, 2013

SF Source BeautifulGirlByDana Sept. 2016

Hat tip, Edward!

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Held Hostage at Incirlik

We had to do a double-take at the headline posted at Debka.com today, namely, “Erdogan locks US airmen, nuclear arms in Incirlik”. Keeping in mind that Debka, as with so many news services, may operate largely by the good graces of Israeli intelligence, it is nevertheless remarkable that even Debka feels a bit disillusioned at the apparent media blackout of this story. (See PDF version here if link is unavailable.)


Some 1,500 US airmen and their families have been locked in the southern Turkish air base of Incirlik together with a stock of tactical nuclear bombs since President Reccep Erdogan crushed an attempted coup on Saturday, July 16. In the four days up until Wednesday, July 20, therefore, no air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq have been staged that Turkish base.

This extraordinary situation, reported here by DEBKAfile’s military sources, whereby a large group of American military personnel are held virtual captive by an allied government, was almost certainly raised in the phone call that took place Tuesday between President Barack Obama and Erdogan.  But the most outlandish aspect of this affair is that no American official has raised it in public – nor even by the administrations most vocal critics at the Republican convention which nominated Donald Trump as presidential candidate.

The situation only rated a brief mention in some Russian publications under the heading: “Turkish investigators enter & search Incirlik air base where US nukes are housed.”

A few items are noteworthy here:

1. Debka claims that NO air strikes against ISIS have been sent from Incirlik. However, mainstream media has been assuring us all week that airstrikes were being carried out in spite of the power cut-off to the base.

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Iraq and 9/11

Michelle Walling – Gulf War I was a set-up. Saddam Hussein asked us. He was strapped for cash from the Iran-Iraq War. He had received a $5 billion loan at the direction of our own government (through Baker and Kissinger), that he otherwise would not have qualified for, and couldn’t pay it back (as expected). The invasion of Kuwait was the only option he had left, assuming that he didn’t want his government to suffer a complete economic collapse.

Kuwait had once belonged to Iraq. Saddam did not intend to destroy it. He only wanted it to be part of Iraq. He made his intentions very clear before the invasion.

On July 25th 1990 he had asked us our position before invading, through our U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie, who told him, “ I have direct instructions from President Bush (Senior) to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices…we have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, like your dispute with Kuwait…Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960’s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America.”


In short,we said, through both the President and the Secretary of State that “whatever you want to do with Kuwait is OK with us”.

Immediately after Saddam invaded Kuwait, the U.S. responded by freezing Iraq’s assets, warning Saudi Arabia that he was out of control, and began preparations for war.
April Glaspie was silenced. The public was never told of the treachery of Baker and Bush. Saddam Hussein was set up.

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Do Americans Live In A False Reality Created By Orchestrated Events?

story Paul Craig Roberts – Most people who are aware and capable of thought have given up on what is called the “mainstream media.” The presstitutes have destroyed their credibility by helping Washington to lie—“Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Russian invasion of Ukraine,” and so forth. The “mainstream media” has also destroyed its credibility by its complete acceptance of whatever government authorities say about alleged “terrorist events,” such as 9/11 and Boston Marathon Bombing, or alleged mass shootings such as Sandy Hook and San Bernardino. Despite glaring inconsistencies, contradictions, and security failures that seem too unlikely to be believable, the “mainstream media” never asks questions or investigates. It merely reports as fact whatever authorities say.

The sign of a totalitarian or authoritarian state is a media that feels no responsibility to investigate and to find the truth, accepting the role of propagandist instead. The entire Western media has been in the propaganda mode for a long time. In the US the transformation of journalists into propagandists was completed with the concentration of a diverse and independent media in six mega-corporations that are no longer run by journalists.

As a consequence, thoughtful and aware people increasingly rely on alternative media that does question, marshal facts, and offers analysis in place of an unbelievable official story line.

The prime example is 9/11. Large numbers of experts have destroyed the official story that has no factual evidence in its behalf. However, even without the hard evidence that 9/11 truthers have provided, the official story gives itself away.

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