The Calamity Janes

The Calamity JanesRick Fuentes – June 24, 2022 was a momentous day for both life and democracy. The SCOTUS decision in Dobbs, hardly a cliffhanger by standards of the Roberts court, sent the issue of abortion back to the states where it belonged and put the endemic malevolence and selective outrage of the Democrat party on full display. Before that anticipated decision, Democrats were already circling the wagons, huddling into a troop of see-no-evil monkeys and averting the glare of political violence in plain sight.

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who have issued an ideological fatwa against MAGA voters using the January 6th Commission, pushed the pause button long enough to promote insurrection against a branch of government. They did so despite understanding that inflammatory rants over the Dobbs decision could spur weak-minded individuals such as Nicholas Roske to action.

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The Antilife Party

Democrat Party Is The Antilife PartyJ. Robert Smith – The longstanding idea that the two major American political parties are just means to ends needs revision.  The Democrat Party, dating back to Andrew Jackson, with roots in the older Jeffersonian antifederalist coalition, really hasn’t changed much in a critical aspect: it’s the party of antilife.  The party of slavery and, post-Civil War, Jim Crow moved seamlessly into the party of abortion.  Even today’s open southern border fits the bill.

Slavery was antilife, in that it was exploitive and cruel.  Jim Crow was oppressive, which is a form of antilife.  Abortion is cruel and genocidal.  An estimated 63 million babies have been extinguished since the now defunct Roe v. Wade occurred in 1973.  A disproportionate number of those babies are black.  Democrats seem blind to the irony. Continue reading

Warning Signs of America’s Potential Destruction [Video]

Jonathan CahnGreg Hunter – Five-time, best-selling author and renowned Christian leader Jonathan Cahn says America is paralleling ancient Israel before it was destroyed by God. Can we turn it around before it is too late?

According to Cahn’s new upcoming movie called “The Harbingers of Things to Come,” we can turn it around, but it’s going to take repentance, prayer, faith and God to do it.

Cahn explains, “The harbinger is revealing the Biblical template of national judgment that begins with a strike on the land. It happened in ancient Israel. It’s a wake-up call, calling the nation back.

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Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”

Michael Hichborn – In light of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of the organs and tissues of preborn babies, the Lepanto Institute interviewed former satanic High Wizard, Zachary King.

Zachary was an average boy from an American neighborhood who grew up in a Baptist home. He began practicing magick at 10, joined a satanic coven at 13, and had broken all 10 Commandments by the time he was 15 years old.

From his teen years to adulthood he worked his way up to High Wizard in the coven and actively pushed satan’s agenda including ritualistic abortions. Zachary is currently writing about his experiences in a new book titled, “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice.” Continue reading

From Roy Rogers to Infanticide

AmericaLloyd Marcus – I learned that the Roy Rogers Museum in Branson, MO closed its doors forever. Roy Rogers was a bit before my time. Still, the closing of his museum triggered something in me.

My late black dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus was a big Roy Rogers fan. I remember Roy Rogers as a good guy cowboy on TV who always did the right thing. Roy’s character was very much like my dad’s.

No, I am not going to get sappy, reminiscing about a time when TV role models taught kids right from wrong. Suggest that some behaviors are right and some behaviors are wrong — how corny, judgmental, intolerant and old fashion is that?

America has moved on. Democrats, Hollywood, and fake news media say America no longer wants white guys like Roy Rogers on TV, infecting our kids with Christian morals and family values.

America has moved on from the biblical teaching that there are only two genders. NYC recognizes 31 different genders. Facebook gives customers 56 gender options. Leftists believe they are far more sophisticated and intelligent than Bible believers and Americans living in flyover country. Continue reading