Spend Quiet Time At The Holy Altar Within

allowJohn Smallman – The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love!  And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth.

Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that.  Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

None of you are in any way inadequate, you are all divine beings doing precisely what you incarnated to do.  Let go of all negative self-judgments because they are completely invalid.  You are all beloved children of God, highly honored for what you are doing even though it may appear to you that you have nothing of value to offer humanity in its massive awakening undertaking.

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Hilarion’s Message – October 2-9, 2016

lightHilarion – As you continue on your spiritual journey through the life that your soul has chosen, know that many changes have been taking place within you. Every effort that you have made to cleanse and clear all the vestiges of negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, mental patterns, and patterns from your ancestral DNA, every effort that you have made to be your Light and let it shine brilliantly has not been in vain. You are Light; you have always been Light and always will be Light. You are one who has never forgotten the Light that you are. There are many people in the world who have forgotten and need to be reminded and this is why you and others like you are here at this time.

You are here to shine your Light! Merely by your presence, this helps tremendously in igniting the Light in others. Those that are affected by your presence may not always understand what is occurring. There are many people who do not immediately appreciate being activated because it means that they have to become responsible and conscious of their every word, thought and action and this is something that is not pleasant in its beginnings. Throughout your lifetime you have endeavoured to become as clear and brilliant as possible, developing your Lightbody and this you have done victoriously. Now it remains that your presence here on Earth has its effect by every move that you make, every step that you take leaves an imprint of Light, a footprint of Light, if you will, upon the Earth.

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Acceptance Is The Purpose of Life

acceptanceJennifer Hoffman – The purpose of life is to learn acceptance of others and to acknowledge their life path as their own energetic domain. Unconditional love is part of acceptance but it is not an emotional state, it is an energetic one. To be able to love unconditionally requires the state of complete non-judgment and that is acceptance. Any form of judgment is an expression of fear and limitation, based on the karmic energies and soul cycles of the past. To achieve acceptance you must know your own heart, be clear about your intention and aligned with your own energy, and then you can accept others actions based on alignment and not on emotions. Any misaligned connections that recall emotions are your lessons to help you achieve acceptance. And that is the purpose of life.

The karmic cycles of soul groups are built on judgments of others and how their actions impact you. While you believe that others deliberately create pain and suffering in your life, your pain is a response based on your expectations and desire to be loved by those who cannot love you. The lessons in loving and acceptance that you extend to others are a reflection of your need to know you can be valued and you choose the person for whom this requires the greatest amount of effort. This is an alignment with your broken, unhealed, damaged emotional heart, not your divine heart, and it creates more pain, karma, and a new lesson in acceptance.

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BodiesJohn Smallman – All are One. You know that, all our readers and listeners know that, and yet doubt arises! As humans, embodied, it certainly appears that each individual human is completely separated from all others because bodies cannot merge into each other. But you are not your bodies. You have chosen to experience the intense sense of limitation and aloneness that bodies provide in order to learn that separation is unreal, impossible. You search for love outside yourselves because you feel so alone and separated.

Your natural state is at One with God, Source, Love, and when you cannot experience that you become fearful and seek love from anyone who will accept you. Many relationships collapse because each party to it is looking to the other for what can only be found within themselves. When you find Love within yourselves, and there is no one who is without Love within themselves, then you can share and extend It, whereupon It returns to you because, all being One, It has never left you.

When you know yourselves as Love you can then enter into a truly loving relationship with another, but until you know yourselves in that way you are only offering an empty vessel to any other with whom you attempt to establish a relationship. And that other most likely has only an empty vessel to offer to you in return.

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