Astrological Planetary Alert June 2022

Planet Alert June 2022Mahala – Hello everyone! How are you handling these intense energies? Are you able to remain calm as the chaos continues in the world? I have been extremely busy and that is why I did not get my article written in May.

Mars moved into Aries on May 24, and that was the day the shooting at the school in Texas occurred. My compassion goes out to all those parents who lost their beloved children. When will all this violence end?

Unfortunately, Mars will be in its own sign of Aries until July 4, 2022. We are in a cycle of Mars energy right now so we will probably see more violence, fires, shootings, war energy, and arguing between family members or friends. Mars is also a get things done type of energy. Especially since Mercury just went direct. Continue reading

Industrial Accidents to be Wary of

accidentsThere are risks and hazards associated with all occupations, and it’s not only the employer who is responsible for making the workplace a safe environment to be in. Employees are just as accountable for safety in the workplace and understanding the risks, and different accidents that can occur that plays a big part in lowering any risk. Many of the accidents that occur are very serious, which makes it all the more important for everyone to take the right precautions. If you want to know more about potential industrial accidents here are six of the most common.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

A high percentage of workplace injuries fall into this category. They are particularly common in industrial environments. Injuries resulting from a slip, trip or fall include broken bones, cuts, and lacerations, pulled muscles, sprains, head and back injuries. These injuries can occur because of wet or oily surfaces, occasional spills, weather hazards, worn, loose or inappropriate flooring.

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