Remember Whens

actionsOwen K Waters – My landlady just died. Well, she was my landlady back in 1978 and I haven’t seen or heard from her since.

So, how do I know she just died?

People start their life in the afterlife with a long review of how they lived their life. With support from helpful guides, they relive every experience of their entire life, assessing their own actions.

The litmus test of their actions is love. Did they act with love? If not, how did they fail? What new situations in future incarnations would offer them the chance to progress by acting with love?

We are here to evolve in consciousness. In a solar-plexus centered world of intellect and power struggles, the point of human experience is to rise to the next level of consciousness, which is the heart chakra. So, the litmus test of all experiences is how well people grasp the heart-centered component of their frequency range of consciousness.

Poor old Mrs G., my landlady. She just reviewed the part where, back in 1978, she told me and her other tenant to go find somewhere else to live and now she feels bad about how she handled us. That’s how I know she just died.

My telepathic receptors (which we all have) went “Ping!” and she floated into my mind, several times in the space of a few hours. Naturally, I thought, “Wow. Mrs G. I haven’t thought about her in decades. Why does she keep popping into my mind?”

Then, I realized it was yet another case of the RememberWhens. That’s what I call it when a person passes on to the spirit realms and goes through their life’s experiences. She had just remembered when she told me, essentially, to get out and hurry up about it. She had other plans and wanted to sell the house without any renters in it. Continue reading

New Insight Into The Law Of Karma

OwenKWatersThe Law of Karma states that the universe must remain in balance.

Let’s face it, without a law of balance, the universe would go unstable and fall apart!

The requirement for balance is built into every level of Creation, from its Divine root through all the cosmic, spiritual and physical levels. Human karmic patterns are stored at the soul level, which is the root of human consciousness.

Sometimes people ask, “Can you dodge karma?” The simple answer is, “Not a chance, no matter what anyone claims.” As one of the fundamental laws of the universe, Karma can never be circumvented because it is built into the energetic fabric of the universe.

However, there is a way to change your karmic pattern… Continue reading