Mark Levin Goes Off On Corrupt Pelosi and Lying Schiff’s Impeachment Scam [Video]

impeachmentJoe Hoft – Past Presidents were allowed to call witnesses and cross examine and investigate allegations in impeachment hearings.  Not with Pelosi and Schiff in the House.  Rights of the President and Americans be damned.  We don’t even get to know who is accusing the President of wrongdoing!  Outrageous!

Mark Levin was eloquent and on fire last night on his show on FOX News ‘Life, Liberty, Levin”. Continue reading

Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Fun Playhouse

James ComeyClarice Feldman – In tacit recognition that his party will never beat the President in 2020 with the gang of whackos vying to head their ticket and that no real impeachment will ever occur, Congressman Adam Schiff, with the acquiescence of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, called to order what they are calling an “impeachment inquiry.” It’s presumably designed to see whether formal impeachment proceedings should begin.

(Impeachment proceedings cannot take place without a vote to do so in the House. Vulnerable Democrats would never vote for it any more than would almost all Republican Congressmen. And conviction and removal from office for impeachment would have to occur after a full hearing and two-thirds vote in the Senate. Which also will not happen. The Democrats, again, are counting on the civics and Constitutional ignorance of their base.)

It flopped, in any event. The hearings, in fact, show that this is simply the rerun of the Russian Collusion scam. Only the name of the country has changed — this time, it’s Ukraine; a country you may know is a major enemy of the Russians.

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Scalise Calls on Schiff to Release “Evidence” He’s Claimed to Have on Trump for the Last 2 Years

If you could give an award to the biggest Russian collusion conspiracy kook, who would you choose for that honor? Among television talking heads, collusion queen Rachel Maddow would definitely win the trophy. But what about sitting Members of Congress?

schiffOur money is on head collusion kook Adam Schiff, the Democrat congressman who currently chairs the House Select Committee on Intelligence. The “Intel Committee” members have access to the most sensitive and secret classified information in the US government. In fact, the Chairman and Ranking Member positions are so important that no classified information can be denied to them if they request it for oversight purposes. It’s an important job. Continue reading

Adam Schiff: One Of The Deep State’s Last Lines Of Defense

deep stateRichard Enos – Those who indiscriminately follow the world-view promoted by mainstream media are likely to have scorn and ridicule for president Donald Trump and every single thing he does. Like some commentators, they may even be critical of Trump if he does something that they criticized him for not doing at an earlier time.

Of course, Trump is being mocked for the notion that he is ‘draining the swamp,’ since the mainstream narrative frames the existence of a ‘Deep State’ as an alt-right conspiracy theory that has no basis in reality. And this stands to reason, since the fundamental lynch pin of the mainstream media world-view is that “things are as they appear”: the duly elected government has all the power, the only battle is left versus right, and there is no shadow government or dark global elite that have long held tremendous influence and control over the executive, legislative and judiciary branches of government. Continue reading