AA Michael January 2019 Message

vibrational patternsAA Michael – Beloved masters, as you traverse the return path into the higher-dimensional realms of existence known as the River of light/Life, or sometimes, the rainbow bridge of cosmic consciousness, the vibrational patterns within and around you are in a constant state of change. This has resulted in an ever-increasing expansion of consciousness, whereby the filters through which you view your world of reality, as well as the belief-structures you have built around you, are gradually being replaced with higher, more empowering truths.

The world you have created, and those you interact with, will always reflect back to you the beliefs and expectations you have accepted as your truth.

In a painful or debilitating situation, there are always distorted or imbalanced beliefs and attachments which keep you imprisoned in a false, illusional reality.

The beliefs which control many of your actions and reactions on a daily basis are slowly dissolving, and are being replaced with self-empowering concepts you are gradually accepting as your new version – vision – of reality.

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The Power And Majesty Of The Elements

fireAA Michael – Beloved masters, an understanding of the elements of fire, air, water, and earth, which are unique components, facets or elements of the nature of our Father/Mother God within this sub-universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and strive to claim self mastery. These are the four major elements, which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self realization and Self mastery on the material plane of existence.

These elements are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels’ ray-diation of the twelve rays of God Consciousness from the heart core essence of our Father/Mother God.

♦  The Etheric body and Soul Self are attuned to and are fed by the element of Cosmic Fire.

♦  The Mental body resonates to and is energized by the element of AIR /Ether.

♦  The Emotional body is attuned to and affected by the element of Water.

♦  The Physical body is anchored by and attuned to the element of Earth, for the duration of each Soul’s journey into the realms of density, the First through the Fourth Dimensions.

The qualities, attributes and virtues of the seven rays of God consciousness for this solar system were placed within Spheres of light. Continue reading

You Are A Star Of Cosmic Sacred Fire

lightAA Michael – In the very beginning each of you were one of the holy innocent Ones, a brilliant Spark of the Supreme Creator. When it came your turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a fragment of the All That Is. Then came a startling awareness of your own conscious I AM Presence as an individualized facet of the Creator. This awakening of souls has continued at every level, in every dimension of creation, and continues today as great beings of light are brought forth to create new galaxies, solar systems, planets and worlds without end.

In these extraordinary times, to one degree or another, there is a major internal, transformational process occurring within every soul on Earth. Individually, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process as well as modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies; changes which are necessary if you are to hold up under and integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are bombarding your Earth at this time.

There is an ever-increasing number of energy fields of consciousness available to you, the awakening Starseed. Just as the Creator light pours forth from the cosmic treasury of light to be used by the Elohim and builders of form, this rarified light is available to those of you who are now attuned to at least the higher 4th- and lower Fifth-dimensional frequency patterns.

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AA Michael February 2018 Message

lightAA Michael – Beloved masters, there is a great stirring taking place among the masses — those who, until now, were not ready to listen to the inner nudgings of Spirit or to delve into the mysteries of creation. The frequency patterns of the new divine blueprint are beginning to flow into your awareness on the currents of change.

We have said that you were very brave to step out of your comfort zone, out of the mass consciousness flow of popular beliefs and into the uncertainty of untried territory. You have been willing to face up to the challenges, and to not be deterred by those who said you were wrong, evil, or called you “wishful-thinkers.” You are proving that what you have accepted as your truth is indeed working, and the validation is concrete and visible for all to see so that there can be no dispute. Fear is the greatest deterrent to change, but you have tamed your fears, and more and more of you are stepping forth into your power. Continue reading

AA Michael September 2017 Message

lightAA Michael – Beloved masters, as the supreme Creator increases the flow of the elixir of life throughout the omniverse, it is affecting all creation. You cannot hide from it. You cannot deny it. Your lifeline to your Source is growing stronger and more compelling all the time. The magnetization factor is growing stronger, and you are magnetizing to you in stronger and stronger measures that which you have claimed as your reality.

If you believe that you must live in poverty and chaos, those thought forms will be reinforced and magnified in your life.  If you have accepted the truth that you are entitled to a life of beauty, joy and prosperity that reality will unfold before you (if you follow through, and take the proper steps as outlined in our many past messages).

Many of you are in a phase of transition whereby you are feeling disconnected and alone as you strive to adjust to the next level of cosmic vibrational patterns. Humanity is gradually emerging from the restrictive illusion of the lower astral planes as the expansive, accelerated frequencies of the higher 4th dimension permeate the earth and all its inhabitants at one level or another. Continue reading