Scientists ‘Confirm’ Life After Death Exists With Ground-Breaking Study

Yasmin Jeffery – Experts have discovered consciousness persists even once a person’s heart has stopped beating.

Death is an inevitable consequence of life, but scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.

Life after death has been “confirmed” by experts who say consciousness continues even once a person’s heart has stopped beating. Continue reading

Sharing an Experience with Someone You’ve Lost

After death contactLorraine Ereira – The loss of a loved one from our lives is most likely the most painful experience we encounter on our journey through this world. Our heart wrenches painfully when we recall them, because we simply miss them so very much.

Even as the shock of them passing begins to fade slowly over time, their absence from your life never changes. You long to share things with them again: a meal; a dance; a walk along the beach. If only there was a way to bring them back to you, even for a moment, to be with them would be more than you could ask for. Continue reading

How to Avoid the Soul Harvesting Trap: Where Do We Go When We Die? [Video]

white lightTony Sayers – So where do we go when we die? I guess this is the question we all want the answer to, and indeed we should.

Because inner-standing the vastness and complexity to this Matrix construct and how it operates can only serve to shield and protect ourselves when we do inevitably reach that point.

What I am talking about is based upon years of research, you can take it or leave it. I am not attempting to force this upon people merely putting out that of which deeply resonates as truth.

The fact is humanity is involved in a soul harvesting trap,  I have written about this extensively previously. It has been sold to us through ancient indoctrination as simply ‘reincarnation’ a method whereby you can come back and ‘resolve’ any outstanding karma on this Planet. Continue reading