Behind the Smoke: The Death Agendas [Video]

EpsteinAlexandra Bruce – After seeing The Truth Factory’s video about how CO2 emissions are beneficial to the environment, this interview with Deborah Tavares on the SGT Report is all the more jarring.

“What I find horrific is the enormity of the PsyOp,” she says. “This is a mind-controlled, trauma-based destructive campaign.”

Officials are telling everyone that Climate Change is the cause of the California fires. Tavares says that in reality, it’s an aggressive roll-out of UN Agenda 2030 aka the Green New Deal, to move populations out of the WUI, Wildland-Urban Interface areas and to ban the future sale of passenger vehicles powered by fossil fuels.

It may not be too difficult, as homeowners find that no one will insure homes in these areas. Continue reading

Behind the Green Mask: Agenda 21 [Video]

Rosa KoireAlexandra Bruce – It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be worthy of serious attention. Agenda 21, the United Nations’ 1992 plan for Sustainable Development is an example.

Rosa Koire has been doing an excellent job of raising awareness about Agenda 21 for many years. She describes how it is being rolled-out – never by name. This is carefully avoided. Hence, we’re propagandized about Climate Change and the Green New Deal. She says Agenda 21 programs can be identified by their so-called “communitarian” ethos that is imposed from without by NGOs, circumventing the will of communities and the individuals within. Continue reading

Behind The Green Mask: Agenda 21 [Video]

agenda 21Alexandra Bruce – It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be fact. Concern about Agenda 21, aka the United Nations’ plan for Sustainable Development is an example.

Agenda 21 was placed front and center before Americans last week in the form of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal. Among its unrealistic goals, the Green New Deal aims to restructure the entire global energy economy within 10 years by completely “transitioning” the US out of fossil fuels and nuclear energy and into renewables, like wind and solar power.

What few will admit is that this plan implies genocide. As evidenced by the collapse of Rome and demonstrated repeatedly by successive societies, the halving of energy consumption leads directly to the collapse of human populations. Continue reading

Why The UN Human Rights Council Is Silent As Venezuelans Die Oppressed Under Socialism

Venezuela Mac Slavo – The United Nations Human Rights Council has been silent on the death of Venezuelans at the hands of their democratic socialist government. The UN has sided with death, but that isn’t surprising, considering the horrific plans they have laid out for most humans.

The Miami Herald is calling the UN’s lack of response to blood in the streets in Venezuela a “travesty.” Despite Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s bloody repression of opposition protests that have resulted in more than 100 dead, thousands of wounded and hundreds of political prisoners over the past three months, the United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC, has not uttered a single word about Venezuela’s human rights crisis.

But there’s a reason for the silence, and all one has to do to figure it out, is lightly scratch the surface. The UN doesn’t care about human rights.  It’s a front for their ability to massively depopulate the earth for the advancement of Agenda 21. Continue reading

Georgia County Cuts the Cord, Refusing Federal “Sustainability” Funds

Forsyth County, Ga

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. – Another county has joined the list of those refusing to participate in the federal government’s efforts to assume absolute control over housing in the United States.

County commissioners in Forsyth County, Georgia, voted unanimously to reject money from the Obama administration offered in the form of a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program.

A report published in the Forsyth (Georgia) News relates the procedural problems observed by county officials prior to the vote on the HUD grant. The News reported in August:

Prior to the decision, County Attorney Ken Jarrard gave an update of his legal opinions on the county accepting the grant.

One issue with the funding, he said, was a required assessment of fair housing in the county. Previously, applicants had to do an analysis of impediments to fair housing, but a recent change to rules require the assessment.

“Now we have to do what’s called an assessment of fair housing, which is much more involved, which has a unique set of regulations that encompass not only what may be impediments to our needs in Forsyth County, but also how Forsyth County fits in the region as a whole,” Jarrard said.

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