Another Death Of A Holistic Doctor Who Claimed A Cure For Aids

traywickJoseph P Farrell – There has been another strange death of a “holistic doctor,” this time, however, under more suspicious circumstances than usual, and there have been a wealth of such people dying under a variety of suspicious circumstances, and even of “regular” physicians who have also died, or in some cases, been murdered, under equally suspicious circumstances. But this one is more unusual than the usual “unusuality” associated with such deaths (if I may coin the word), for the individual in question, Aaron Traywick, claimed to have a cure for AIDS. (This article was shared by Mr. S.D.):

Holistic CEO Who Found ‘Cure For AIDS’ Found Dead In D.C.

There is something looming in this article that I want to spend some of my high octane speculation on, and to share what may be high octane memory loss, or perhaps “misremembrance” (to invoke that term used to “explain” the Mandela Effect wildly out of context). My high octane speculation concerns the following from the article: Continue reading