
“Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is.” Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1

Akasha: a supposed universal etheric field in which a record of past events is imprinted or an ethereal fluid imagined as pervading the cosmos.

The bubble of the known

Elva Thompson – Mankind appears to be on the expressway to extinction. The farcical events powered by group insanity are blossoming on our planet like a mass of poisoned flowers…and still the sleeper sleeps: unconscious humanity dreaming of a future, and totally existing within the bubble of the known. Many of us have abdicated our spiritual reality for the known….and appointed a go between, priests and guru’s of whatever creed. Our captured minds are reluctant to put their toe in the water of ‘what could be’, and do not question the nature of reality. Many of us are secure within our paradigm-our status quo that dictates the real, and satisfied with our closed ‘box thinking’ mode.

Prisoners in a faerie story

In effect, the majority of human beings are prisoners of a narrative fed to them by the matrix mind. They deny, ridicule and even kill anyone that undermines their belief system of whatever, and their false sense of self. They are the unwitting or sometimes willing props of the matrix game of ‘us and them’.

Thinking big thoughts is not their forte!

 The Luciferian Impulse

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