Akashic Field reaches critical mass

akashic fieldGillian MacBeth Louthan – As spring pushes her pretty and pink-self into every pore of our being we feel a sense of expectancy – like a pregnant woman in her 9th month.  We all feel a slight urgency to accomplish that which is yet to be determined, the need to birth something in an outward fashion.

At a deep level our being kicks and pokes at us from the inside out, making life uncomfortable and tempers flare like a spring hairdo. All of earth mirrors this urge to move forward out of the long winter of waiting into a place that aspires to be a warm hope.

We look at ourselves seeing a newness that has not made its way to the surface as of yet, but still we fill the stirring waters of change within. We feel compelled and driven to move out of our winter blues searching blindly for those rose tinted glasses we once wore. We are seasoned like a good wine that seeks a crystal goblet.

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