What Should You Know About Al-Anon Groups?

Al-AnonSupport groups can be extremely valuable for your mental health, your spiritual health and maybe even your physical health if you’re heavily impacted by trauma or something similar in your life.

12-step programs are some of the most widely participated in support groups in the world. 12-step programs started with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which is the cornerstone of support groups for people who struggle with an addiction to alcohol.

Originally introduced in the 1930s, the 12-step framework has been expanded upon, and now there are a variety of support groups based on these concepts. The principles behind 12-step programs include the fact that you admit that you can’t control your alcoholism or addiction, but you also identify a higher power can give you strength.

There are 12-step support groups not only for people who personally have a substance abuse or compulsive behavioral problem but also for their loved ones. One such option is Al-Anon, which is a 12-step program for family and loved ones of alcoholics. How do you learn if Al-Anon is for you? Continue reading