Is the global-warming hustle finally falling apart?

“When you see a problem defined as ‘a threat to all humans’, you can be sure Globalists are using that fake or real problem to impose control on all humans.” (The Underground. –  Jon Rappoport)

goreJon Rappoport – With the election of Donald Trump, climate change and global warming have come back into the spotlight. In a different way.

“The science is settled” isn’t good enough now.

Neither is the Globalist plan to cut energy production in every country in the world, in order to “rescue us from frying.”

LA Times: “Donald Trump will be about the only head of state who does not believe in climate science or the responsibility of his government to act,” said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club…”

But all along, there have been dissenters from the man-made warming mantra; they just haven’t been allowed inside government portals.

Freeman Dyson, physicist and mathematician, professor emeritus at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, Fellow of the Royal Society, winner of the Lorentz Medal, the Max Planck Medal, the Fermi Award: “What has happened in the past 10 years is that the discrepancies [in climate change models] between what’s observed and what’s predicted have become much stronger. It’s clear now the models are wrong, but it wasn’t so clear 10 years ago… I’m 100 per cent Democrat myself, and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on this [climate change] issue, and the Republicans took the right side…” (The Register, October 11, 2015)

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The Climate Change Hoax – The Lie Is In The Cause

“The present warming trend began at least two hundred years ago as the planet began to emerge from the Little Ice Age, long before cars and aircraft were invented. Since the mid-19th century the Earth’s temperature has risen by just over half a degree Celsius, but most of that rise happened over hundreds of years.” J Websdale

AlGore+ClimateChangeOne of the greatest swindles on the road to tyranny is ‘global warming’, or ‘climate change’. Politically, it is being used to introduce a whole new strata of taxation, regulation and control in the name of ‘saving the planet’ – and it is all a gigantic fraud.

It is not that temperatures aren’t changing, the lie is in the cause

Science is being manipulated to equate climate change with carbon emissions, to support a political agenda; the centralisation of power.

The Con

Aurelio Peccei, a founder of the Club of Rome, part of the Round Table network, said in the organisation’s 1991 publication

The First Global Revolution: In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill … All of these are caused by human intervention … The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

The alleged villain is the ‘greenhouse gas’ carbon dioxide belching from exhaust pipes and the industrial system in general. It is claimed that this is collecting in the atmosphere and forming a barrier to stop solar heat from escaping. We are urged to become ‘carbon neutral’ and to watch our nonsensical ‘carbon-footprint’. It is still ok for the rich to pollute as much as they choose so long as they invest in green technologies or pay someone to plant a tree. We even have plans for ‘emissions trading’ in which companies that want to pollute beyond their government-imposed allowance can buy ‘carbon credits’ from those who produce less than their carbon limit. Continue reading

The Green Police State Is The Prelude To Genocide

CommonSenseShow  February 12 2014

TaxesAmericans are getting locked down as the screws are tightening and soon all the pieces needed for our subjugation are being firmly put into place. I have the globalist playbook, it is publicly available for anyone who wants to pay attention.

If you drive a car I’ll tax the street
If you try to sit-sit I’ll tax your seat
If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat
If you take a walk I’ll tax your feet
Tax man” The Beatles

Americans are getting locked down as the screws are tightening and soon all the pieces needed for our subjugation are being firmly put into place. I have the globalist playbook, it is publicly available for anyone who wants to pay attention.

The Globalist Path to Subjugation and Genocide

1. Deculturize America through massive immigration which will move economic and political power to the Constitutionally ignorant. When the pretense of having Constitutional rights is finally stripped away, 30 million illegals will never know what hit them because they have never enjoyed freedom. Meanwhile, the sheer weight of their numbers is destroying hospitals, overcrowding schools and generally draining our social services. The face of America has changed. America is now proof that if you take on enough third world immigrants, you will become a third world country. Mission accomplished, this objective has been achieved.

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The Direct Link Between Agenda 21 And Local Planners

Activist Post June 6 2013

When the fight started against Agenda 21, those of us working to expose it were largely ignored by the mainstream media and even the established Conservative movement and its media. Too far out there, they said, to be taken seriously.

Then, as more and more Americans began to experience the dire effects of Sustainable Development in their daily lives, suddenly our message began to take hold. Today, thousands of Americans have taken up the fight. And anti-Agenda 21 activists are storming planning meetings, demanding answers. State legislatures and even some county and city governments are passing legislation against it. It seems the Agenda 21 fight is everywhere.

So, now, proponents of the Sustainable Development policy are alarmed and working feverishly to counter our claims that such controls over local development and energy policy have their roots in international policy. In particular, our claims that these planning policies come from the UN’s Agenda 21, that was introduced to the world at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992.

Their most often used description of Agenda 21 is an “innocuous, 20 year old document that has no enforcement power.” Continuously we hear that local planning programs, especially from such groups like the American Planning Association (APA) have no connection to Agenda 21 or the UN. It’s all local – or as the APA says in its document, Glossary for the Public, “There is no hidden agenda.” In its “Agenda 21: Myths and Facts” document found on the APA website, the group goes to extreme measures to distance itself and its policies from Agenda 21, specifically saying “The American Planning Association has no affiliation regarding any policy goals and recommendations of the UN.”

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