Alkaline Water or Hydrogen Water — Which One Is Better for You?

According to Popular Reviews A super hydrating water will definitely improve your overall health.” Hydrated water increases your energy levels and improves appearance. You’ll look and feel amazing!

waterDr. Joseph Mercola – Alkaline water is experiencing a resurgence in popularity with sales jumping from $47 million in 2014 to $427 million in 2017.1 Marketers claim alkaline water can correct excess acidity in your tissues, which can then prevent or reverse cancerarthritis and other degenerative diseases.2

However, there’s virtually no good evidence to support such claims, and I warned people about drinking alkaline water on a regular basis over eight years ago. Molecular hydrogen, on the other hand, does have a number of health benefits, some of which mirror the claims made for alkaline water — and there’s a really good reason for that.

So, here, I’ll review these two types of waters, and the scientific support (or lack thereof) for each of them, and how the benefits of molecular hydrogen were inappropriately transferred over to alkaline water — primarily due to ignorance. Continue reading

Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic & Here’s What To Do To Correct It

Elisha McFarland – Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. When the body is overly acidic, it creates an unwanted environment where illness, bacteria, and yeast thrive. It also takes minerals from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this, the body’s mineral reserves such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium can run dangerously low, causing damage that can go undetected for years until it reaches unhealthy levels and leads to acidosis.

alkaline Many people are already consuming enough acid forming foods, such as dairy, grains, meats, and sugar. Since the body is constantly generating acidic waste products from the metabolism, those waste products need to be neutralized or excreted in some way. In order to neutralize the constant acid generation, we need to supply the body with more alkaline foods.

Consider the health problems caused by mild acidosis (poor pH balance)

  • Inflamed sensitive gums, cavities
  • Immune deficiency
  • Sciatica, lumbago, stiff neck Continue reading