Understanding Allergies and Allergic Reactions: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Understanding Allergies and Allergic ReactionsAllergies are a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. They happen when the immune system overreacts to a substance that is normally harmless, such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening in some cases.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of allergies and allergic reactions, so you can better understand this condition and how to manage it. Continue reading

Natural Solutions to Allergies

Jane Marsh – Allergens are present in your life in surprising places and ways. However, there are helpful options if you’re dealing with allergy symptoms and need a natural solution. Treat your symptoms naturally with these 10 solutions.

Know Your Triggers

Natural Solutions to AllergiesVarious things cause allergic reactions indoors and outdoors — you’re still exposed to allergens even if you stay inside. To best treat your symptoms, figure out what you’re allergic to. Many people start coughing and sniffing when allergy season hits, but you might be allergic to something more specific.

These are some of the main culprits that cause allergy symptoms: Continue reading

Epidemic Level of Peanut Allergies in the US – Vaccine Adjuvants Include Peanut Derivatives

peanutsHumans Are Free – Peanuts are high on the list of foods that kids are commonly allergic to these days. And for children who have this allergy, even the smallest exposure to a peanut can result in serious – even life-threatening – anaphylaxis.

Experts freely admit that the peanut allergy situation in America is so serious as to be labelled “almost epidemic,” but insist they have no idea what’s causing the problem.

report by Mount Sinai Hospital’s Jaffe Food Allergy Institute found that between 1997 and 2008, the number of kids with peanut allergies tripled, from just 1-in-250 to about 1-in-70.

This is shocking when you consider that even a few decades ago peanut allergies were almost unheard of, and in Eastern countries like India, where children eat large amounts of peanuts, such allergies are extremely uncommon. Continue reading